From: Nick Retallack <>
Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2009 10:11:14 +0000 (-0800)
Subject: some nice mixins for tags, ratings, relations

some nice mixins for tags, ratings, relations

diff --git a/floof/controllers/ b/floof/controllers/
index 5216da7..bb3bc19 100644
--- a/floof/controllers/
+++ b/floof/controllers/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 import elixir
 from floof.model.users import User
-from import Art, Rating, UserRelation
+from floof.model import Art, Rating, UserRelation
 from floof.model.comments import Discussion
 from sqlalchemy.exceptions import IntegrityError
diff --git a/floof/controllers/ b/floof/controllers/
index b096ba2..342b009 100644
--- a/floof/controllers/
+++ b/floof/controllers/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect, redirect_to
 from sqlalchemy import and_
 from floof.lib.base import BaseController, render
-from import Art
+from floof.model import Art
 from floof.model.comments import Comment
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/floof/controllers/ b/floof/controllers/
index 4139da8..b1d415d 100644
--- a/floof/controllers/
+++ b/floof/controllers/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from floof.lib.base import BaseController, render
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from import Art, UserRelation
+from floof.model import Art, UserRelation
 from floof.model.users import User
 import elixir
diff --git a/floof/controllers/ b/floof/controllers/
index 4e92a6d..f87ddae 100644
--- a/floof/controllers/
+++ b/floof/controllers/
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ from import do_search
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from import Art, Tag, TagText
-from import SavedSearch, GalleryWidget
+from floof.model import Art, Tag, TagText
+from floof.model import SavedSearch, GalleryWidget
 import elixir
 class SearchController(BaseController):
diff --git a/floof/controllers/ b/floof/controllers/
index 4f98994..e5ce85b 100644
--- a/floof/controllers/
+++ b/floof/controllers/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from pylons import url
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 import elixir
-from import Art, Tag
+from floof.model import Art, Tag
 class TagController(BaseController):
diff --git a/floof/lib/ b/floof/lib/
index f7ce65b..37d762d 100644
--- a/floof/lib/
+++ b/floof/lib/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from import Art, Tag, TagText
+from floof.model import Art, Tag, TagText
 def do_search(query):
     tags = query.split()
diff --git a/floof/model/ b/floof/model/
index 1a81770..8368357 100644
--- a/floof/model/
+++ b/floof/model/
@@ -22,7 +22,14 @@ if elixir.options_defaults.get('autoload', False) \
 # # import other entities here, e.g.
 # from import BlogEntry, BlogComment
-from floof.model import art, users, search
+from import *
+from floof.model.ratings import *
+from floof.model.comments import *
+from import *
+from floof.model.tags import *
+from floof.model.users import *
+from floof.model.relations import *
 # Finally, call elixir to set up the tables.
 # but not if using reflected tables
diff --git a/floof/model/ b/floof/model/
index ff8035a..bb68c9f 100644
--- a/floof/model/
+++ b/floof/model/
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ from floof.lib.file_storage import get_path, save_file
 from floof.lib.dbhelpers import find_or_create, update_or_create
 import floof.model.comments
+# Note: Art is the most important class.  To keep its size down, and to better organize the source code,
+# other modules will mix into it automatically by adding to its __bases__.
 class Art(Entity):
     title = Field(Unicode(120))
     original_filename = Field(Unicode(120))
@@ -36,99 +40,5 @@ class Art(Entity):
         if self.hash:
             return get_path("art", self.hash)
-    def add_tags(self, tags, user):
-        for text in tags.split():
-            if text[0] == '-':
-                # Nega-tags
-                tagtext = TagText.get_by(text=text[1:])
-                if tagtext:
-                    tag = Tag.get_by(art=self, tagger=user, tagtext=tagtext)
-                    if tag:
-                        elixir.session.delete(tag)
-            else:
-                if len(text) > 50:
-                    raise "Long Tag!" # can we handle this more gracefully?
-                # sqlite seems happy to store strings much longer than the supplied limit...
-                # elixir should really have its own find_or_create.
-                tagtext = find_or_create(TagText, text=text)
-                tag     = find_or_create(Tag, art=self, tagger=user, tagtext=tagtext)
-    def rate(self, score, user):
-        return update_or_create(Rating, {"rater":user, "art":self}, {"score":score})
-    def user_score(self, user):
-        rating = Rating.get_by(rater=user, art=self)
-        if rating:
-            return rating.score
-        return Rating.default
     def __unicode__(self):
         return self.get_path()
-class Tag(Entity):
-    # look into how ondelete works.  This just sets a database property.
-    art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
-    tagger = ManyToOne('User', ondelete='cascade')
-    tagtext = ManyToOne('TagText')
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        if not self.tagtext:
-            return "(broken)"
-        return unicode(self.tagtext)
-class TagText(Entity):
-    text = Field(Unicode(50)) # gotta enforce this somehow
-    tags = OneToMany('Tag')
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        return self.text
-class Rating(Entity):
-    art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
-    rater = ManyToOne('User', ondelete='cascade')
-    score = Field(Integer)
-    options = {-1:"sucks", 0:"undecided", 1:"good", 2:"great"}
-    default = 0
-Rating.reverse_options = dict (zip(Rating.options.values(), Rating.options.keys()))
-class UserRelation(Entity):
-    user = ManyToOne("User")
-    art = ManyToOne("Art")
-    kind = Field(String) # by for of
-    creator = ManyToOne("User")
-    confirmed_by_related_user = Field(Boolean)
-    # it is useful to record which authority figure on a given artwork
-    # confirmed the validity of this relation.
-    confirmed_by_authority = ManyToOne("User")
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        super(UserRelation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-        assert self.user and and self.kind and self.creator
-        if self.creator == self.user:
-            self.confirmed_by_related_user = True
-        # TODO: implement authorities
-        # if self.creator in
-        #     self.confirmed_by_authority = self.creator
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        return "%s: %s" % (self.kind, self.related_user)
-# class CharacterRelation(Entity):
-#     pass
diff --git a/floof/model/ b/floof/model/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b5850a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/floof/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+from elixir import *
+from art import Art
+from floof.lib.dbhelpers import find_or_create, update_or_create
+class Rating(Entity):
+    art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
+    rater = ManyToOne('User', ondelete='cascade')
+    score = Field(Integer)
+    options = {-1:"sucks", 0:"undecided", 1:"good", 2:"great"}
+    default = 0
+Rating.reverse_options = dict (zip(Rating.options.values(), Rating.options.keys()))
+class RatingMixin(object):
+    def rate(self, score, user):
+        return update_or_create(Rating, {"rater":user, "art":self}, {"score":score})
+    def user_score(self, user):
+        rating = Rating.get_by(rater=user, art=self)
+        if rating:
+            return rating.score
+        return Rating.default
+Art.__bases__ += (RatingMixin,)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/floof/model/ b/floof/model/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6fe020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/floof/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from elixir import *
+from art import Art
+class UserRelation(Entity):
+    user = ManyToOne("User")
+    art = ManyToOne("Art")
+    kind = Field(String) # by for of
+    creator = ManyToOne("User")
+    confirmed_by_related_user = Field(Boolean)
+    # it is useful to record which authority figure on a given artwork
+    # confirmed the validity of this relation.
+    confirmed_by_authority = ManyToOne("User")
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        super(UserRelation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        assert self.user and and self.kind and self.creator
+        if self.creator == self.user:
+            self.confirmed_by_related_user = True
+        # TODO: implement authorities
+        # if self.creator in
+        #     self.confirmed_by_authority = self.creator
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return "%s: %s" % (self.kind, self.related_user)
+class RelationMixin(object):
+    def add_relation(creator, kind, user):
+        return UserRelation(art=self, creator=creator, kind=kind, user=user)
+Art.__bases__ += (RelationMixin,)
diff --git a/floof/model/ b/floof/model/
index 2296491..fb86f35 100644
--- a/floof/model/
+++ b/floof/model/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 from elixir import *
 # from users import User
-from import do_search
 class SavedSearch(Entity):
     string = Field(Unicode) # I tried calling this query, but it broke elixir
@@ -13,6 +12,9 @@ class SavedSearch(Entity):
     def results(self):
+        # This caused some cyclic dependencies when I tried importing it
+        # at the module level.  I wonder why that is...
+        from import do_search
         return do_search(self.string)
diff --git a/floof/model/ b/floof/model/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a41278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/floof/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+from elixir import *
+from art import Art
+from floof.lib.dbhelpers import find_or_create, update_or_create
+class Tag(Entity):
+    # look into how ondelete works.  This just sets a database property.
+    art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
+    tagger = ManyToOne('User', ondelete='cascade')
+    tagtext = ManyToOne('TagText')
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        if not self.tagtext:
+            return "(broken)"
+        return unicode(self.tagtext)
+class TagText(Entity):
+    text = Field(Unicode(50)) # gotta enforce this somehow
+    tags = OneToMany('Tag')
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.text
+class TagMixin(object):
+    def add_tags(self, tags, user):
+        for text in tags.split():
+            if text[0] == '-':
+                # Nega-tags
+                tagtext = TagText.get_by(text=text[1:])
+                if tagtext:
+                    tag = Tag.get_by(art=self, tagger=user, tagtext=tagtext)
+                    if tag:
+                        elixir.session.delete(tag)
+            else:
+                if len(text) > 50:
+                    raise "Long Tag!" # can we handle this more gracefully?
+                # sqlite seems happy to store strings much longer than the supplied limit...
+                # elixir should really have its own find_or_create.
+                tagtext = find_or_create(TagText, text=text)
+                tag     = find_or_create(Tag, art=self, tagger=user, tagtext=tagtext)
+Art.__bases__ += (TagMixin, )
diff --git a/floof/templates/art/show.mako b/floof/templates/art/show.mako
index 45ebcb9..05d1e42 100644
--- a/floof/templates/art/show.mako
+++ b/floof/templates/art/show.mako
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <%inherit file="/base.mako" />
 <%namespace name="comments" file="/comments/lib.mako" />
-<%! from import Rating %>
+<%! from floof.model import Rating %>
 <h1>Viewing Art</h1>