-4,protect,Blocked by Detect and Protect,"This move will not work if the target has used [Detect]{move} or [Protect]{move} this turn."
-5,magic,Reflectable with Magic Coat,"This move will be reflected back at the user if the target has used [Magic Coat]{move} this turn."
-6,snatch,Snatchable,"This move will be stolen if another Pokémon has used [Snatch]{move} this turn."
-7,mirror,Copied by Mirror Move,"A Pokémon targeted by this move can use [Mirror Move]{move} to copy it."
-8,punch,Punch-based,"This move has 1.2× its usual power when used by a Pokémon with [Iron Fist]{ability}."
-9,sound,Sound-based,"Pokémon with [Soundproof]{ability} are immune to this move."
-10,gravity,Unusable during Gravity,"This move cannot be used in high [Gravity]{move}."
-11,defrost,Defrosts when used,"This move can be used while frozen to force the Pokémon to defrost."
+4,protect,Blocked by Detect and Protect,This move will not work if the target has used [Detect]{move} or [Protect]{move} this turn.
+5,reflectable,Reflectable,This move may be reflected back at the user with [Magic Coat]{move} or [magic mirror]{ability}.
+6,snatch,Snatchable,This move will be stolen if another Pokémon has used [Snatch]{move} this turn.
+7,mirror,Copied by Mirror Move,A Pokémon targeted by this move can use [Mirror Move]{move} to copy it.
+8,punch,Punch-based,This move has 1.2× its usual power when used by a Pokémon with [Iron Fist]{ability}.
+9,sound,Sound-based,Pokémon with [Soundproof]{ability} are immune to this move.
+10,gravity,Unusable during Gravity,This move cannot be used in high [Gravity]{move}.
+11,defrost,Defrosts when used,This move can be used while frozen to force the Pokémon to defrost.