Reripped Gen I–III Pokémon flavour text.
[zzz-pokedex.git] / pokedex / data / csv / items.csv
2010-04-27  EeveeShuffled item categories.
2010-04-27  EeveeItem tidying; fixed missing és, added ItemPocket.identi...
2010-04-26  EeveeAt last, imported item and berry data. #10
2009-08-25  EeveeRevert "Renamed de-accented item names in the db."
2009-08-24  EeveeRenamed de-accented item names in the db.
2009-08-24  EeveeRestored accents on Poke * items.
2009-07-18  EeveeVery simple items table and wild held item data. #10