English names for everything! #451
[pokedex-media.git] / cropped-pokemon /
2011-03-02  Lynn "Zhorken" VaughanEnglish names for everything! #451
2011-02-06  a_magical_meRename Basculin's sprites. #451
2010-11-30  ZhorkenOverhaul the Pokémon form schema. #286 #179 #379
2010-09-27  ZhorkenWhoops. Also rename these forms' sprites to match.
2010-09-19  EeveeB&W: New cropped-pokemon based on black-white sprites.
2010-03-29  EeveeAdd 487-altered.png. Fixed form name.
2010-03-15  EeveeAdded Land Shaymin (492-land.png) sprites.
2010-03-11  EeveeAdded Rotom -normal sprites.
2010-03-09  EeveeFixed Cherrim/Castform/Pichu form names; renamed a...
2009-11-29  EeveeReplaced cropped Pokémon sprites with HG/SS ones.
2009-11-12  EeveeRenamed ????? to ???, as the D/P text dump indicates...
2009-07-15  EeveeRecolored the cropped Kecleon purple. :3
2009-07-15  EeveeReplaced cropped sizes with cropped Pokémon for #13.