[zzz-pokedex.git] / pokedex / lookup.py
1 # encoding: utf8
2 from collections import namedtuple
3 import os, os.path
4 import pkg_resources
5 import re
7 from sqlalchemy.sql import func
8 import whoosh
9 import whoosh.filedb.filestore
10 import whoosh.filedb.fileindex
11 import whoosh.index
12 from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser
13 import whoosh.scoring
14 import whoosh.spelling
16 from pokedex.db import connect
17 import pokedex.db.tables as tables
18 from pokedex.roomaji import romanize
20 __all__ = ['open_index', 'lookup']
22 # Dictionary of table name => table class.
23 # Need the table name so we can get the class from the table name after we
24 # retrieve something from the index
25 indexed_tables = {}
26 for cls in [
27 tables.Ability,
28 tables.Item,
29 tables.Move,
30 tables.Pokemon,
31 tables.Type,
32 ]:
33 indexed_tables[cls.__tablename__] = cls
35 def open_index(directory=None, session=None, recreate=False):
36 """Opens the whoosh index stored in the named directory and returns (index,
37 speller). If the index doesn't already exist, it will be created.
39 `directory`
40 Directory containing the index. Defaults to a location within the
41 `pokedex` egg directory.
43 `session`
44 If the index needs to be created, this database session will be used.
45 Defaults to an attempt to connect to the default SQLite database
46 installed by `pokedex setup`.
48 `recreate`
49 If set to True, the whoosh index will be created even if it already
50 exists.
51 """
53 # Defaults
54 if not directory:
55 directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pokedex',
56 'data/whoosh_index')
58 if not session:
59 session = connect()
61 # Attempt to open or create the index
62 directory_exists = os.path.exists(directory)
63 if directory_exists and not recreate:
64 # Already exists; should be an index!
65 try:
66 index = whoosh.index.open_dir(directory, indexname='MAIN')
67 spell_store = whoosh.filedb.filestore.FileStorage(directory)
68 speller = whoosh.spelling.SpellChecker(spell_store)
69 return index, speller
70 except whoosh.index.EmptyIndexError as e:
71 # Apparently not a real index. Fall out of the if and create it
72 pass
74 if not directory_exists:
75 os.mkdir(directory)
78 # Create index
79 schema = whoosh.fields.Schema(
80 name=whoosh.fields.ID(stored=True),
81 table=whoosh.fields.STORED,
82 row_id=whoosh.fields.ID(stored=True),
83 language=whoosh.fields.STORED,
84 )
86 index = whoosh.index.create_in(directory, schema=schema, indexname='MAIN')
87 writer = index.writer()
89 # Index every name in all our tables of interest
90 # speller_entries becomes a list of (word, score) tuples; the score is 2
91 # for English names, 1.5 for Roomaji, and 1 for everything else. I think
92 # this biases the results in the direction most people expect, especially
93 # when e.g. German names are very similar to English names
94 speller_entries = []
95 for cls in indexed_tables.values():
96 q = session.query(cls)
98 # Only index base Pokémon formes
99 if hasattr(cls, 'forme_base_pokemon_id'):
100 q = q.filter_by(forme_base_pokemon_id=None)
102 for row in q.yield_per(5):
103 row_key = dict(table=cls.__tablename__, row_id=unicode(row.id))
105 name = row.name.lower()
106 writer.add_document(name=name, **row_key)
107 speller_entries.append((name, 1))
109 # Pokemon also get other languages
110 for foreign_name in getattr(row, 'foreign_names', []):
111 moonspeak = foreign_name.name.lower()
112 if name == moonspeak:
113 # Don't add the English name again as a different language;
114 # no point and it makes spell results confusing
115 continue
117 writer.add_document(name=moonspeak,
118 language=foreign_name.language.name,
119 **row_key)
120 speller_entries.append((moonspeak, 3))
122 # Add Roomaji too
123 if foreign_name.language.name == 'Japanese':
124 roomaji = romanize(foreign_name.name).lower()
125 writer.add_document(name=roomaji, language='Roomaji',
126 **row_key)
127 speller_entries.append((roomaji, 8))
130 writer.commit()
132 # Construct and populate a spell-checker index. Quicker to do it all
133 # at once, as every call to add_* does a commit(), and those seem to be
134 # expensive
135 speller = whoosh.spelling.SpellChecker(index.storage)
136 speller.add_scored_words(speller_entries)
138 return index, speller
141 class LanguageWeighting(whoosh.scoring.Weighting):
142 """A scoring class that forces otherwise-equal English results to come
143 before foreign results.
144 """
146 def score(self, searcher, fieldnum, text, docnum, weight, QTF=1):
147 doc = searcher.stored_fields(docnum)
148 if doc['language'] == None:
149 # English (well, "default"); leave it at 1
150 return weight
151 elif doc['language'] == u'Roomaji':
152 # Give Roomaji a bit of a boost, as it's most likely to be searched
153 return weight * 0.95
154 else:
155 # Everything else can drop down the totem pole
156 return weight * 0.9
158 rx_is_number = re.compile('^\d+$')
160 LookupResult = namedtuple('LookupResult',
161 ['object', 'name', 'language', 'exact'])
162 def lookup(input, session=None, indices=None, exact_only=False):
163 """Attempts to find some sort of object, given a database session and name.
165 Returns a list of named (object, name, language, exact) tuples. `object`
166 is a database object, `name` is the name under which the object was found,
167 `language` is the name of the language in which the name was found, and
168 `exact` is True iff this was an exact match.
170 This function currently ONLY does fuzzy matching if there are no exact
171 matches.
173 Formes are not returned; "Shaymin" will return only grass Shaymin.
175 Recognizes:
176 - Names: "Eevee", "Surf", "Run Away", "Payapa Berry", etc.
177 - Foreign names: "Iibui", "Eivui"
178 - Fuzzy names in whatever language: "Evee", "Ibui"
179 - IDs: "pokemon 133", "move 192", "item 250"
180 - Dex numbers: "sinnoh 55", "133", "johto 180"
182 `input`
183 Name of the thing to look for.
185 `session`
186 A database session to use for retrieving objects. As with get_index,
187 if this is not provided, a connection to the default database will be
188 attempted.
190 `indices`
191 Tuple of index, speller as returned from `open_index()`. Defaults to
192 a call to `open_index()`.
194 `exact_only`
195 If True, only exact matches are returned. If set to False (the
196 default), and the provided `name` doesn't match anything exactly,
197 spelling correction will be attempted.
198 """
200 if not session:
201 session = connect()
203 if indices:
204 index, speller = indices
205 else:
206 index, speller = open_index()
208 name = unicode(input).lower()
209 exact = True
211 # If the input provided is a number, match it as an id. Otherwise, name.
212 # Term objects do an exact match, so we don't have to worry about a query
213 # parser tripping on weird characters in the input
214 if rx_is_number.match(name):
215 # Don't spell-check numbers!
216 exact_only = True
217 query = whoosh.query.Term(u'row_id', name)
218 else:
219 # Not an integer
220 query = whoosh.query.Term(u'name', name)
222 ### Actual searching
223 searcher = index.searcher()
224 searcher.weighting = LanguageWeighting() # XXX kosher? docs say search()
225 # takes a weighting kw but it
226 # certainly does not
227 results = searcher.search(query)
229 # Look for some fuzzy matches if necessary
230 if not exact_only and not results:
231 exact = False
232 results = []
234 for suggestion in speller.suggest(name, 25):
235 query = whoosh.query.Term('name', suggestion)
236 results.extend(searcher.search(query))
238 ### Convert results to db objects
239 objects = []
240 seen = {}
241 for result in results:
242 # Skip dupe results
243 seen_key = result['table'], result['row_id']
244 if seen_key in seen:
245 continue
246 seen[seen_key] = True
248 cls = indexed_tables[result['table']]
249 obj = session.query(cls).get(result['row_id'])
250 objects.append(LookupResult(object=obj,
251 name=result['name'],
252 language=result['language'],
253 exact=exact))
255 # Only return up to 10 matches; beyond that, something is wrong.
256 # We strip out duplicate entries above, so it's remotely possible that we
257 # should have more than 10 here and lost a few. The speller returns 25 to
258 # give us some padding, and should avoid that problem. Not a big deal if
259 # we lose the 25th-most-likely match anyway.
260 return objects[:10]