310,Heals the target for half its max HP.,Heals the target for half its max [HP]{mechanic}.
311,Has double power if the target has a major status ailment.,"Inflicts [regular damage]. If the target has a [major status ailment]{mechanic}, this move has double power."
312,"Carries the target high into the air, dodging all attacks against either, and drops it next turn.","Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. User carries the target high into the air for one turn, during which no moves will hit either Pokémon and neither can act. On the following turn, the user drops the target, inflicting damage and ending the effect.
310,Heals the target for half its max HP.,Heals the target for half its max [HP]{mechanic}.
311,Has double power if the target has a major status ailment.,"Inflicts [regular damage]. If the target has a [major status ailment]{mechanic}, this move has double power."
312,"Carries the target high into the air, dodging all attacks against either, and drops it next turn.","Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. User carries the target high into the air for one turn, during which no moves will hit either Pokémon and neither can act. On the following turn, the user drops the target, inflicting damage and ending the effect.