+# Encoding: UTF-8
+"""Automatically disambiguate location identifiers
+This is an unmaintained one-shot script, only included in the repo for reference.
+Disambiguates identifiers that aren't unique, Routes and Sea Routes, and
+generic names like 'villa' or 'game corner' that could appear in future
+generations again.
+Does this by prepending the region name, and if that isn't enough, appends
+import sys
+import re
+from collections import defaultdict
+from pokedex.db import connect, tables
+ambiguous_re = re.compile(r'^(sea-)?route-\d+$')
+ambiguous_set = set('foreign-building game-corner global-terminal lighthouse '
+ 'restaurant flower-shop cycle-shop cafe shopping-mall villa'.split())
+def main(*argv):
+ session = connect()
+ location_dict = defaultdict(list)
+ for location in session.query(tables.Location).order_by(tables.Location.id):
+ location_dict[location.identifier].append(location)
+ changes = False
+ for identifier, locations in sorted(location_dict.items()):
+ disambiguate = any((
+ len(locations) > 1,
+ ambiguous_re.match(identifier),
+ identifier in ambiguous_set,
+ ))
+ print len(locations), ' *'[disambiguate], identifier,
+ if disambiguate:
+ changes = True
+ print u'→'.encode('utf-8'),
+ by_region = defaultdict(list)
+ for location in locations:
+ if location.region:
+ by_region[location.region.identifier].append(location)
+ else:
+ by_region[None].append(location)
+ for region_identifier, region_locations in by_region.items():
+ if region_identifier:
+ new_identifier = '%s-%s' % (region_identifier, identifier)
+ else:
+ # No change
+ new_identifier = identifier
+ if len(region_locations) == 1:
+ location = region_locations[0]
+ # The region was enough
+ print new_identifier,
+ location.identifier = new_identifier
+ else:
+ # Need to number the locations :(
+ for i, location in enumerate(region_locations, start=1):
+ numbered_identifier = '%s-%s' % (new_identifier, i)
+ print numbered_identifier,
+ location.identifier = numbered_identifier
+ print
+ if changes:
+ if argv and argv[0] == '--commit':
+ session.commit()
+ print 'Committed'
+ else:
+ print 'Run with --commit to commit changes'
+ else:
+ print 'No changes needed'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main(*sys.argv[1:])
\ No newline at end of file