+# encoding: utf8
+from sqlalchemy.sql import func
+import pokedex.db.tables as tables
+def lookup(session, name):
+ """Attempts to find some sort of object, given a database session and name.
+ Returns a list of (object, matchiness) tuples. Matchiness is 1 for exact
+ matches. It is possible to get multiple exact matches; for example,
+ 'Metronome' will match both the move and the item. In these cases, the
+ results are returned in rough order of "importance", e.g., Pokémon come
+ before moves come before types.
+ This function does fuzzy matching iff there are no exact matches.
+ Formes are not returned; "Shaymin" will return only grass Shaymin.
+ Currently recognizes:
+ - Pokémon names: "Eevee"
+ """
+ q = session.query(tables.Pokemon) \
+ .filter(func.lower(tables.Pokemon.name) == name.lower()) \
+ .filter_by(forme_base_pokemon_id=None)
+ try:
+ result = q.one()
+ return [ (result, 1) ]
+ except:
+ return []