+def test_i18n_table_creation():
+ """Creates and manipulates a magical i18n table, completely independent of
+ the existing schema and data. Makes sure that the expected behavior of the
+ various proxies and columns works.
+ """
+ Base = declarative_base()
+ engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:")
+ Base.metadata.bind = engine
+ # Need this for the foreign keys to work!
+ class Language(Base):
+ __tablename__ = 'languages'
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ identifier = Column(String(2), nullable=False, unique=True)
+ class Foo(Base):
+ __tablename__ = 'foos'
+ __singlename__ = 'foo'
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ FooText = tables.makeTextTable(
+ foreign_table_class=Foo,
+ table_suffix_plural='blorp',
+ table_suffix_singular='klink',
+ columns=[
+ ('name', 'names', Column(String(100))),
+ ],
+ lazy='select',
+ Language=Language,
+ )
+ # OK, create all the tables and gimme a session
+ Base.metadata.create_all()
+ sess = sessionmaker(engine)()
+ # Create some languages and foos to bind together
+ lang_en = Language(identifier='en')
+ sess.add(lang_en)
+ lang_jp = Language(identifier='jp')
+ sess.add(lang_jp)
+ foo = Foo()
+ sess.add(foo)
+ # Commit so the above get primary keys filled in
+ sess.commit()
+ # Give our foo some names, as directly as possible
+ foo_text = FooText()
+ foo_text.object_id = foo.id
+ foo_text.language_id = lang_en.id
+ foo_text.name = 'english'
+ sess.add(foo_text)
+ foo_text = FooText()
+ foo_text.object_id = foo.id
+ foo_text.language_id = lang_jp.id
+ foo_text.name = 'nihongo'
+ sess.add(foo_text)
+ # Commit! This will expire all of the above.
+ sess.commit()
+ ### Test 1: re-fetch foo and check its attributes
+ foo = sess.query(Foo).one()
+ # Dictionary of language identifiers => names
+ assert foo.names['en'] == 'english'
+ assert foo.names['jp'] == 'nihongo'
+ # Default language, currently English
+ assert foo.name == 'english'
+ sess.expire_all()
+ ### Test 2: joinedload on the default name should appear to work
+ foo = sess.query(Foo) \
+ .options(joinedload(Foo.name)) \
+ .first
+ assert foo.name == 'english'
+ sess.expire_all()
+ ### Test 3: joinedload on all the names should appear to work
+ foo = sess.query(Foo) \
+ .options(joinedload(Foo.names)) \
+ .first
+ assert foo.names['en'] == 'english'
+ assert foo.names['jp'] == 'nihongo'
+ sess.expire_all()
+ ### Test 4: Mutating the dict collection should work
+ foo = sess.query(Foo).first
+ foo.names['en'] = 'different english'
+ del foo.names['jp']
+ sess.commit()
+ assert foo.names['en'] == 'different english'
+ assert 'jp' not in foo.names