41,Water Veil,Prevents the Pokémon from getting a burn.,This Pokemon cannot become Burned.
42,Magnet Pull,Prevents Steel-type Pokémon from escaping.,Steel enemies cannot run or be switched out.
43,Soundproof,Gives full immunity to all sound-based moves.,"This Pokemon is immune to Growl, Grasswhistle, Hyper Voice, Heal Bell, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Screech, Sing, Snore, Supersonic, and Uproar."
41,Water Veil,Prevents the Pokémon from getting a burn.,This Pokemon cannot become Burned.
42,Magnet Pull,Prevents Steel-type Pokémon from escaping.,Steel enemies cannot run or be switched out.
43,Soundproof,Gives full immunity to all sound-based moves.,"This Pokemon is immune to Growl, Grasswhistle, Hyper Voice, Heal Bell, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Screech, Sing, Snore, Supersonic, and Uproar."