2011-03-03  Lynn "Zhorken... Add French names from B/W for everything. #252
2011-03-03  Lynn "Zhorken... Add B/W ability flavour text. veekun-promotions/2011030302
2011-03-02  Lynn "Zhorken... Add B/W Pokémon flavour text! veekun-promotions/2011030301
2011-03-02  Lynn "Zhorken... Add B/W move flavour text.
2011-03-02  Lynn "Zhorken... Add B/W item flavour text.
2011-03-02  Lynn "Zhorken... Rename item icons.
2011-03-02  Lynn "Zhorken... B/W item names. #451
2011-03-02  Lynn "Zhorken... Fix Markdown references to Gen V stuff.
2011-03-02  Lynn "Zhorken... English names for everything! #451
2011-02-11  Lynn "Zhorken... Shorten some over-long move effect changelog entries. veekun-promotions/2011021501 veekun-promotions/2011021502 veekun-promotions/2011022101
2011-02-11  Lynn "Zhorken... Fix references to Dragon Tail and Round.
2011-02-11  Lynn "Zhorken... Support null PP for Struggle and Shadow moves. #190
2011-02-11  Lynn "Zhorken... Support null pre-D/P damage class for ??? and Shadow.
2011-02-11  Lynn "Zhorken... Add names revealed 2011-02-10. #451
2011-02-10  EeveeAdd a couple relations for move effect changelogs.
2011-02-10  EeveeUse engine_from_config for database connections. #390
2011-02-09  Brigit LemanskiCleaning up move_changelog and move_effect_changelog...
2011-02-06  a_magical_meLoad/dump dance.
2011-02-06  a_magical_meRename Basculin's sprites. #451
2011-02-02  Lynn "Zhorken... Tympole and Timburr; also Basculin's forms are Stripe...
2011-02-01  Lynn "Zhorken... Add more newly-revealed names. #451
2011-01-31  Lynn "Zhorken... Order Ability's Pokémon relations by Pokemon.order.
2011-01-31  Lynn "Zhorken... Make Type.moves a proper relation with an order_by.
2011-01-31  Lynn "Zhorken... Morning is not a separate time of day for evolution.
2011-01-28  Lynn "Zhorken... Add Sugimori art for Basculin.
2011-01-28  Lynn "Zhorken... Castform's forms are all "the Weather Pokémon".
2011-01-28  Lynn "Zhorken... Add new names revealed by IGN on 2011-01-27. #451
2011-01-28  Petr ViktorinSpeed tweaks for pokedex load in SQLite
2011-01-28  EeveeRemove useless encounter_slot_conditions table. #297
2011-01-28  EeveeMerge fishing and surfing swarms into regular swarms...
2011-01-28  EeveeRemoved a ton of nonsensical HG/SS swarm encounters...
2011-01-28  EeveeLots of encounters were using slots that claimed to...
2011-01-28  Lynn "Zhorken... Delete some B/W female sprites identical to the male...
2011-01-25  Lynn "Zhorken... Rename the Liberty Pass's icon.
2011-01-25  Lynn "Zhorken... Add names for Victini and the Liberty Pass. #451
2011-01-25  Lynn "Zhorken... Merge the fem_sprite columns into has_gender_difference...
2011-01-24  Lynn "Zhorken... Add properties for getting a Pokemon from a PokemonForm...
2011-01-19  Brigit LemanskiBW names from Nintendo Magazine UK
2011-01-14  Lynn "Zhorken... Fix some references to Sky Drop in move effects. veekun-promotions/2011011701
2011-01-14  Lynn "Zhorken... Add the monkey names from Gamestop preorder boxes....
2011-01-14  Lynn "Zhorken... Add new names revealed 2011-01-13. #451
2011-01-13  Lynn "Zhorken... Add foreign move/ability names revealed 2010-12-27.
2011-01-05  Lynn "Zhorken... Change "toxic poison" to "bad poison" in Synchronize...
2011-01-05  Lynn "Zhorken... Reorganize the Sugimori art a bit.
2010-12-30  Lynn "Zhorken... Replace "Forme" with "form" in the Rotom Form move...
2010-12-30  Lynn "Zhorken... Use Darmanitan's English name in its forms' description.
2010-12-28  Brigit LemanskiChinese names for some pokémon
2010-12-27  Lynn "Zhorken... Fix a reference to Darmanitan in daruma mode's effect. veekun-promotions/2010122701
2010-12-27  Lynn "Zhorken... Add new French and German Pokémon names.
2010-12-27  Lynn "Zhorken... Add a bunch of newly-revealed English names. #451
2010-12-25  Lynn "Zhorken... Some more ability changes. #78 #376
2010-12-25  Lynn "Zhorken... Improve a bunch of schema documentation.
2010-12-25  Lynn "Zhorken... Support kaburumo and chobomaki's trade-for-each other...
2010-12-24  EeveeFix cross thunder short effect.
2010-12-24  EeveeCrashfix: Bunch of move effect syntax fixes.
2010-12-21  a_magical_meAdd a script for setting pokemon.order veekun-promotions/2010122201
2010-12-21  a_magical_meAdd order_by=Pokemon.order to a few relations.
2010-12-21  a_magical_meFix Rotom's forms' order.
2010-12-15  a_magical_meGive Pokemon an order column.
2010-12-14  Lynn "Zhorken... Give move changelogs a few more relations. #78
2010-12-14  Lynn "Zhorken... Add a bunch more move changes from Gen I-III.
2010-12-13  Lynn "Zhorken... Merge branch 'master' of git.veekun.com:pokedex
2010-12-13  Eeveeedit-csv-as-yaml: preserve column order in the YAML...
2010-12-13  EeveeAdded a short_effect column to the items table.
2010-12-13  Lynn "Zhorken... Rename the Magic Coat flag to Reflectable (for magic...
2010-12-13  Lynn "Zhorken... A ton more ability fixes, improvements, and changelog...
2010-12-12  Lynn "Zhorken... Remove ???'s type efficacy.
2010-12-12  Brigit LemanskiForeign names for Shadow moves veekun-promotions/2010121201
2010-12-12  EeveeFixed a few markdown syntax errors.
2010-12-12  EeveeEagerload PokemonName.language.
2010-12-12  Brigit LemanskiRenumbered ???, added Shadow type and moves
2010-12-11  Lynn "Zhorken... Give abilities separate relations for all/normal/dream...
2010-12-08  Brigit LemanskiReplaces flags with BW's built-in flags.
2010-12-08  Brigit LemanskiFixing typos like a winner.
2010-12-08  Brigit LemanskiImplement move effect changelog; misc move fixes.
2010-12-07  Brigit LemanskiFixing typo in Rest description.
2010-12-07  Brigit LemanskiChangelog for RGBY -> GS, HGSS -> BW
2010-12-07  Lynn "Zhorken... Remove the erroneous Dragonite-only Iron Tail tutor.
2010-12-07  Lynn "Zhorken... Rename the "none" damage class to "non-damaging".
2010-12-07  ZhorkenAdd foreign names for Zoroark et al.
2010-12-07  Brigit LemanskiAdded some move changes from RGBY to GSC, fixed explosi...
2010-12-07  EeveeGet rid of the final Gen V ability (?)s. #376 veekun-promotions/2010120701
2010-12-07  EeveeNew names: Zorua/Zoroark, Illusion, Hone Claws/Foul...
2010-12-06  ZhorkenOrder move changelogs descendingly.
2010-12-06  ZhorkenCapitalize types' names. #259
2010-12-06  ZhorkenMake version_group.versions an actual relation with...
2010-12-06  ZhorkenImplement an ability changelog; add a few changes. #78
2010-12-06  ZhorkenVarious B/W ability fixes based on Smogon's research.
2010-12-06  Brigit LemanskiCorrected effect of shell break, added a few idiosyncra...
2010-12-06  EeveeMention buggy interaction between freefall and Gravity...
2010-12-06  EeveeFinal gen V move effects, part 6 of 6!!! #376
2010-12-06  EeveeFinal gen V move effects, part 5 of 6. #376
2010-12-06  EeveeFinal gen V move effects, part 4 of 6. #376
2010-12-05  EeveeFinal gen V move effects, part 3 of 6. #376
2010-12-05  EeveeFinal gen V move effects, part 2 of 6. #376
2010-12-05  ZhorkenVersion group Pokédexes don't need their own table.
2010-12-04  EeveeMove effect text: never capitalize accuracy/evasion...
2010-12-04  EeveeMove effect text: "stage" instead of "level" for stat...
2010-12-04  EeveeFinal gen V move effects, part 1 of 6. #376
2010-12-03  EeveeSugimori art for Gen V.