+ # Full content is way too much, especially for my giant blog posts.
+ # Cut this down to some arbitrary number of characters, then feed
+ # it to lxml.html to fix tag nesting
+ broken_html = entry.content[0].value[:RSS_SUMMARY_LENGTH]
+ fragment = lxml.html.fromstring(broken_html)
+ # Insert an ellipsis at the end of the last node with text
+ last_text_node = None
+ last_tail_node = None
+ # Need to find the last node with a tail, OR the last node with
+ # text if it's later
+ for node in fragment.iter():
+ if node.tail:
+ last_tail_node = node
+ last_text_node = None
+ elif node.text:
+ last_text_node = node
+ last_tail_node = None
+ if last_text_node is not None:
+ last_text_node.text += '...'
+ if last_tail_node is not None:
+ last_tail_node.tail += '...'
+ # Serialize
+ content = lxml.html.tostring(fragment)