--- /dev/null
+import random
+from sqlalchemy import *
+from migrate import *
+import migrate.changeset # monkeypatches Column
+from sqlalchemy import orm
+from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
+TableBase = declarative_base(bind=migrate_engine)
+class User(TableBase):
+ __tablename__ = 'users'
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+ name = Column(Unicode(length=20), nullable=False)
+ unique_identifier = Column(Unicode(length=32), nullable=False)
+session = orm.scoped_session(
+ orm.sessionmaker(autoflush=True, autocommit=False, bind=migrate_engine))
+def upgrade():
+ User.__table__.c.unique_identifier.create()
+ for user in session.query(User):
+ ident = u''.join(random.choice(u'0123456789abcdef') for _ in range(32))
+ user.unique_identifier = ident
+ session.add(user)
+ session.commit()
+def downgrade():
+ User.__table__.c.unique_identifier.drop()
+import colorsys
+import random
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, Unicode
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(Unicode(length=20), nullable=False)
+ unique_identifier = Column(Unicode(length=32), nullable=False)
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # Generate a unique hash if one isn't provided (which it shouldn't be)
+ if 'unique_identifier' not in kwargs:
+ ident = u''.join(random.choice(u'0123456789abcdef')
+ for _ in range(32))
+ kwargs['unique_identifier'] = ident
+ super(User, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ @property
+ def unique_colors(self):
+ """Returns a list of (width, '#rrggbb') tuples that semi-uniquely
+ identify this user.
+ """
+ width_blob, colors_blob = self.unique_identifier[0:8], \
+ self.unique_identifier[8:32]
+ widths = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ width_hex = width_blob[i*2:i*2+2]
+ widths.append(int(width_hex, 16))
+ total_width = sum(widths)
+ ret = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ h = int(colors_blob[i*6:i*6+2], 16) / 256.0
+ l = int(colors_blob[i*6+2:i*6+4], 16) / 256.0
+ s = int(colors_blob[i*6+4:i*6+6], 16) / 256.0
+ # Cap lightness to 0.25 to 0.75, so it's not too close to white or
+ # black
+ l = l * 0.5 + 0.25
+ # Cap saturation to 0.5 to 1.0, so the color isn't too gray
+ s = s * 0.5 + 0.5
+ r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
+ color = "#{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}".format(
+ int(r * 256),
+ int(g * 256),
+ int(b * 256),
+ )
+ ret.append((1.0 * widths[i] / total_width, color))
+ return ret
class OpenID(TableBase):
__tablename__ = 'openid'