# Default value:
-supybot.networks.veekun.channels: #bot
+supybot.networks.veekun.channels: #bot #cafe #tcod #veekun
# Determines what key (if any) will be used to join the channel.
# Determines what error message is given when the bot is telling someone
# they aren't cool enough to use the command they tried to use.
-supybot.replies.noCapability: Only cool kids can do %s things.
+supybot.replies.noCapability: Only cool kids can use %s.
# Determines what generic error message is given when the bot is telling
# Determines what error messages the bot sends to people who try to do
# things in a channel that really should be done in private.
-supybot.replies.requiresPrivacy: Shh! Not in public!
+supybot.replies.requiresPrivacy: Shh! Not in public!
# Determines what message the bot sends when it thinks you've
# encountered a bug that the developers don't know about.
-supybot.replies.possibleBug: I'm broken. :( Please harass developers.
+supybot.replies.possibleBug: I'm broken. :( Please harass developers.
# A floating point number of seconds to throttle snarfed URLs, in order
# Default value:
-supybot.plugins: Admin Misc User Owner Config Channel
+supybot.plugins: Admin Math Misc User Owner Config Pokedex Channel Karma
# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Karma: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Karma.public: True
+# Determines whether the bot will output shorter versions of the karma
+# output when requesting a single thing's karma.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Karma.simpleOutput: True
+# Determines whether the bot will reply with a success message when
+# something's karma is increased or decreased.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Karma.response: False
+# Determines how many highest/lowest karma things are shown when karma
+# is called with no arguments.
+# Default value: 3
+supybot.plugins.Karma.rankingDisplay: 3
+# Determines how many karma things are shown when the most command is
+# called.'
+# Default value: 25
+supybot.plugins.Karma.mostDisplay: 20
+# Determines whether users can adjust the karma of their nick.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Karma.allowSelfRating: False
+# Determines whether the bot will increase/decrease karma without being
+# addressed.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Karma.allowUnaddressedKarma: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Math: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Math.public: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
supybot.plugins.Misc: True
# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Pokedex: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Pokedex.public: True
+# SQLAlchemy-compatible URL to the pokedex database.
+# Default value:
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
supybot.plugins.User: True
# configured (that is, if its value is empty) then sane defaults will be
# provided.
-# Default value: anydbm cdb flat pickle
+# Default value: sqlite anydbm cdb flat pickle
+supybot.databases: sqlite
# Determines what filename will be used for the users database. This