# If we got here, there's an exact match; hurrah!
result = results[0]
obj = result.object
+ # Deal with Pokémon form matches
+ if isinstance(obj, tables.PokemonForm):
+ obj = obj.unique_pokemon or obj.form_base_pokemon
if isinstance(obj, tables.Pokemon):
reply_template = \
u"""#{id} {name}, {type}-type Pokémon. Has {abilities}. """ \
"""{stats}. """ \
- if obj.forme_name:
- name = '{form} {name}'.format(
- form=obj.forme_name.title(),
- name=obj.name
- )
- else:
- name = obj.name
- if obj.forme_base_pokemon:
+ if not obj.is_base_form:
# Can't use urllib.quote() on the whole thing or it'll
# catch "?" and "=" where it shouldn't.
# XXX Also we need to pass urllib.quote() things explicitly
# encoded as utf8 or else we get a UnicodeEncodeError.
link_name = '{name}?form={form}'.format(
- form=urllib.quote(obj.forme_name.lower().encode('utf8')),
+ form=urllib.quote(obj.form_name.lower().encode('utf8')),
link_name = urllib.quote(obj.name.lower().encode('utf8'))
stats = """{0} HP, {1}/{2} phys, {3}/{4} spec, {5} speed; {total} total""" \
.format(*colored_stats, total=colored_stat_total)
self._reply(irc, reply_template.format(
- id=obj.national_id,
- name=name,
+ id=obj.normal_form.id,
+ name=obj.full_name or obj.name,
type='/'.join(_.name for _ in obj.types),
abilities=' or '.join(_.name for _ in obj.abilities),