--- /dev/null
+# encoding: utf8
+r"""Functionality for handling reStructuredText fields in the database.
+This module defines the following extra text roles. By default, they merely
+bold the contents of the tag. Calling code may redefine them with
+`docutils.parsers.rst.roles.register_local_role`. Docutils role extensions
+are, apparently, global.
+ These all wrap objects of the corresponding type. They're intended to be
+ used to link to these items.
+ This is a general-purpose reference role. The Web Pokédex uses these to
+ link to pages on mechanics. Amongst the things tagged with this are:
+ * Stats, e.g., Attack, Speed
+ * Major status effects, e.g., paralysis, freezing
+ * Minor status effects not unique to a single move, e.g., confusion
+ * Battle mechanics, e.g., "regular damage", "lowers/raises" a stat
+ Depends on context. Created for move effect chances; some effects contain
+ text like "Has a \:data\:\`move.effect_chance\` chance to...". Here, the
+ enclosed text is taken as a reference to a column on the associated move.
+ Other contexts may someday invent their own constructs.
+ This is actually implemented by adding a `_pokedex_handle_data` attribute
+ to the reST document itself, which the `data` role handler attempts to
+ call. This function takes `rawtext` and `text` as arguments and should
+ return a reST node.
+from docutils.frontend import OptionParser
+from docutils.io import Output
+import docutils.nodes
+from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser, roles
+import docutils.utils
+from docutils.writers.html4css1 import Writer as HTMLWriter
+### Subclasses of bits of docutils, to munge it into doing what I want
+class HTMLFragmentWriter(HTMLWriter):
+ """Translates reST to HTML, but only as a fragment. Enclosing <body>,
+ <head>, and <html> tags are omitted.
+ """
+ def apply_template(self):
+ subs = self.interpolation_dict()
+ return subs['body']
+class UnicodeOutput(Output):
+ """reST Unicode output. The distribution only has a StringOutput, and I
+ want me some Unicode.
+ """
+ def write(self, data):
+ """Returns data (a Unicode string) unaltered."""
+ return data
+### Text roles
+def generic_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
+ node = docutils.nodes.strong(text, rawtext, **options)
+ return [node], []
+roles.register_local_role('ability', generic_role)
+roles.register_local_role('item', generic_role)
+roles.register_local_role('move', generic_role)
+roles.register_local_role('pokemon', generic_role)
+roles.register_local_role('mechanic', generic_role)
+def data_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
+ document = inliner.document
+ node = document._pokedex_handle_data(rawtext, text)
+ return [node], []
+roles.register_local_role('data', data_role)
+### Public classes
+class RstString(object):
+ """Wraps a reStructuredText string. Stringifies to the original text, but
+ may be translated to HTML with .to_html().
+ """
+ def __init__(self, source_text, document_properties={}):
+ """
+ `document_properties`
+ List of extra properties to attach to the reST document object.
+ """
+ self.source_text = source_text
+ self.document_properties = document_properties
+ self._rest_document = None
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.source_text
+ @property
+ def rest_document(self):
+ """reST parse tree of the source text.
+ This property is lazy-loaded.
+ """
+ # Return it if we have it
+ if self._rest_document:
+ return self._rest_document
+ parser = Parser()
+ settings = OptionParser(components=(Parser,HTMLWriter)).get_default_values()
+ document = docutils.utils.new_document('pokedex', settings)
+ # Add properties (in this case, probably just the data role handler)
+ document.__dict__.update(self.document_properties)
+ parser.parse(self.source_text, document)
+ self._rest_document = document
+ return document
+ @property
+ def as_html(self):
+ """Returns the string as HTML4."""
+ document = self.rest_document
+ destination = UnicodeOutput()
+ writer = HTMLFragmentWriter()
+ return writer.write(document, destination)
+class MoveEffectProperty(object):
+ """Property that wraps a move effect. Used like this:
+ MoveClass.effect = MoveEffectProperty()
+ some_move.effect # returns an RstString
+ some_move.effect.as_html # returns a chunk of HTML
+ This class also performs `%` substitution on the effect, replacing
+ `%(effect_chance)d` with the move's actual effect chance. Also this is a
+ lie and it doesn't yet.
+ """
+ def __get__(self, move, move_class):
+ # Attach a function for handling the `data` role
+ # XXX make this a little more fault-tolerant.. maybe..
+ def data_role_func(rawtext, text):
+ assert text[0:5] == 'move.'
+ newtext = getattr(move, text[5:])
+ return docutils.nodes.Text(newtext, rawtext)
+ return RstString(move.move_effect.effect,
+ document_properties=dict(
+ _pokedex_handle_data=data_role_func))
from sqlalchemy.types import *
from sqlalchemy.databases.mysql import *
+from pokedex.db import rst
metadata = MetaData()
TableBase = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
priority = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False)
short_effect = Column(Unicode(128), nullable=False)
- effect = Column(Unicode(255), nullable=False)
+ effect = Column(Unicode(5120), nullable=False)
class MoveTarget(TableBase):
__tablename__ = 'move_targets'
Machine.generation = relation(Generation)
Move.damage_class = relation(MoveDamageClass, backref='moves')
-Move.effect = relation(MoveEffect, backref='moves')
+Move.move_effect = relation(MoveEffect, backref='moves')
Move.generation = relation(Generation, backref='moves')
Move.machines = relation(Machine, backref='move')
Move.target = relation(MoveTarget, backref='moves')
Move.type = relation(Type, backref='moves')
+Move.effect = rst.MoveEffectProperty()
+Move.priority = association_proxy('move_effect', 'priority')
+Move.short_effect = association_proxy('move_effect', 'short_effect')
Pokemon.abilities = relation(Ability, secondary=PokemonAbility.__table__,