--- /dev/null
+# encoding: utf8
+Handles reading and encryption/decryption of Pokémon save file data.
+See: http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Pokemon_NDS_Structure
+Kudos to LordLandon for his pkmlib.py, from which this module was originally
+import itertools, struct
+def pokemon_prng(seed):
+ u"""Creates a generator that simulates the main Pokémon PRNG."""
+ while True:
+ seed = 0x41C64E6D * seed + 0x6073
+ seed &= 0xFFFFFFFF
+ yield seed >> 16
+class PokemonSave(object):
+ u"""Represents an individual Pokémon, from the game's point of view.
+ Handles translating between the on-disk encrypted form, the in-RAM blob
+ (also used by pokesav), and something vaguely intelligible.
+ XXX: Okay, well, right now it's just encryption and decryption. But, you
+ know.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, blob, encrypted=False):
+ u"""Wraps a Pokémon save struct in a friendly object.
+ If `encrypted` is True, the blob will be decrypted as though it were an
+ on-disk save. Otherwise, the blob is taken to be already decrypted and
+ is left alone.
+ """
+ # XXX Sometime this should have an abstract internal representation.
+ # For now, just store the decrypted version
+ if encrypted:
+ # Decrypt it.
+ # Interpret as one word (pid), followed by a bunch of shorts
+ struct_def = "I" + "H" * ((len(blob) - 4) / 2)
+ shuffled = list( struct.unpack(struct_def, blob) )
+ # Apply standard Pokémon decryption, undo the block shuffling, and
+ # done
+ self.reciprocal_crypt(shuffled)
+ words = self.shuffle_chunks(shuffled, reverse=True)
+ self.blob = struct.pack(struct_def, *words)
+ else:
+ # Already decrypted
+ self.blob = blob
+ @property
+ def as_struct(self):
+ u"""Returns a decrypted struct, aka .pkm file."""
+ return self.blob
+ @property
+ def as_encrypted(self):
+ u"""Returns an encrypted struct the game expects in a save file."""
+ # Interpret as one word (pid), followed by a bunch of shorts
+ struct_def = "I" + "H" * ((len(self.blob) - 4) / 2)
+ words = list( struct.unpack(struct_def, self.blob) )
+ # Apply the block shuffle and standard Pokémon encryption
+ shuffled = self.shuffle_chunks(words)
+ self.reciprocal_crypt(shuffled)
+ # Stuff back into a string, and done
+ return struct.pack(struct_def, *shuffled)
+ ### Utility methods
+ shuffle_orders = list( itertools.permutations(range(4)) )
+ @classmethod
+ def shuffle_chunks(cls, words, reverse=False):
+ """The main 128 encrypted bytes (or 64 words) in a save block are split
+ into four chunks and shuffled around in some order, based on
+ personality. The actual order of shuffling is a permutation of four
+ items in order, indexed by the shuffle index. That is, 0 yields 0123,
+ 1 yields 0132, 2 yields 0213, etc.
+ Given a list of words (the first of which should be the pid), this
+ function returns the words in shuffled order. Pass reverse=True to
+ unshuffle instead.
+ """
+ pid = words[0]
+ shuffle_index = (pid >> 0xD & 0x1F) % 24
+ shuffle_order = cls.shuffle_orders[shuffle_index]
+ if reverse:
+ # Decoding requires going the other way; invert the order
+ shuffle_order = [shuffle_order.index(i) for i in range(4)]
+ shuffled = words[:3] # skip the unencrypted stuff
+ for chunk in shuffle_order:
+ shuffled += words[ chunk * 16 + 3 : chunk * 16 + 19 ]
+ shuffled += words[67:] # extra bytes are also left alone
+ return shuffled
+ @classmethod
+ def reciprocal_crypt(cls, words):
+ u"""Applies the reciprocal Pokémon save file cipher to the provided
+ list of words.
+ Returns nothing; the list is changed in-place.
+ """
+ # Apply regular Pokémon "encryption": xor everything with the output of
+ # the PRNG. First three items are pid/unused/checksum and are not
+ # encrypted.
+ # Main data is encrypted using the checksum as a seed
+ prng = pokemon_prng(words[2])
+ for i in range(3, 67):
+ words[i] ^= next(prng)
+ if len(words) > 67:
+ # Extra bytes are encrypted using the pid as a seed
+ prng = pokemon_prng(words[0])
+ for i in range(67, len(words)):
+ words[i] ^= next(prng)
+ return