--- /dev/null
+# encoding: utf8
+from nose.tools import *
+import unittest
+from pokedex.db import connect, tables
+from pokedex.util import get
+session = connect()
+def test_get_item_identifier():
+ item = get.get(session, tables.Item, identifier='master-ball')
+ assert item.name == 'Master Ball'
+def test_get_item_name():
+ item = get.get(session, tables.Item, name='Awakening')
+ assert item.name == 'Awakening'
+def test_get_english_by_identifier():
+ language = get.get(session, tables.Language, 'en')
+ assert language.name == 'English'
+def test_get_pokemon_baseform_identifier():
+ for identifier in 'burmy shaymin unown cresselia'.split():
+ poke = get.get(session, tables.Pokemon, identifier=identifier)
+ assert poke.identifier == identifier
+ assert poke.is_base_form
+def test_get_pokemon_baseform_name():
+ for name in 'Burmy Shaymin Unown Cresselia'.split():
+ poke = get.get(session, tables.Pokemon, name=name)
+ assert poke.name == name
+ assert poke.is_base_form
+def test_get_pokemon_baseform_name_explicit_language():
+ french = get.get(session, tables.Language, 'fr')
+ for name in 'Cheniti Shaymin Zarbi Cresselia'.split():
+ poke = get.get(session, tables.Pokemon, name=name, language=french)
+ assert poke.name_map[french] == name, poke.name_map[french]
+ assert poke.is_base_form
+def test_get_pokemon_other_form_identifier():
+ for ii in 'wormadam/trash shaymin/sky shaymin/land'.split():
+ pokemon_identifier, form_identifier = ii.split('/')
+ poke = get.get(session, tables.Pokemon, identifier=pokemon_identifier, form_identifier=form_identifier)
+ assert poke.identifier == pokemon_identifier
+ if poke.form.unique_pokemon_id:
+ assert poke.form.identifier == form_identifier
+def test_pokemon():
+ pokemon = get.pokemon(session)
+ assert pokemon[0].identifier == 'bulbasaur'
+ assert pokemon[-1].identifier == 'genesect'
+def test_pokemon_by_name():
+ pokemon = get.pokemon(session, order=tables.Pokemon.name)
+ assert pokemon[0].identifier == 'abomasnow'
+ assert pokemon[-1].identifier == 'zweilous'
+def test_types_french_order():
+ french = get.get(session, tables.Language, 'fr')
+ types = get.types(session, order=None)
+ types = list(get.order_by_name(types, tables.Type, language=french))
+ assert types[0].name_map[french] == 'Acier', types[0].name_map[french]
+ assert types[-1].name_map[french] == 'Vol', types[-1].name_map[french]
+def test_moves():
+ moves = get.moves(session)
+ assert moves[0].identifier == 'absorb'
+ assert moves[-1].identifier == 'zen-headbutt'
+def test_items():
+ items = get.items(session)
+ assert items[0].identifier == 'ability-urge'
+ assert items[-1].identifier == 'zoom-lens'
--- /dev/null
+"""Provides simple functions for common queries
+These include identifier- and name-based lookup, filtering out base forms
+of pokemon, ordering by name, and getting canonical "pokedex" lists (i.e.
+ordered and without cruft like alternate pokemon forms or Shadow moves)
+from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
+from pokedex.db import tables
+### Getters
+def get(session, table, identifier=None, name=None, id=None,
+ form_identifier=None, form_name=None, language=None, is_pokemon=None):
+ """Get one object from the database.
+ session: The session to use (from pokedex.db.connect())
+ table: The table to select from (such as pokedex.db.tables.Move)
+ identifier: Identifier of the object
+ name: The name of the object
+ id: The ID number of the object
+ form_identifier: For pokemon, identifier of the form
+ form_name: For pokemon, name of the form
+ language: A Language to use for name and form_name
+ is_pokemon: If true, specifies that the table should be treated as a
+ pokemon table (handling forms specially). If None and table is the
+ (unaliased) Pokemon, it is set to True. Otherwise, the pokemon forms
+ aren't handled.
+ All conditions must match, so it's not a good idea to specify more than one
+ of identifier/name/id at once.
+ If zero or more than one objects matching the criteria are found, the
+ appropriate SQLAlchemy exception is raised.
+ Exception: for pokemon, selects the form base unless form_* is given.
+ """
+ if is_pokemon is None:
+ is_pokemon = (table is tables.Pokemon)
+ query = session.query(table)
+ if identifier is not None:
+ query = query.filter_by(identifier=identifier)
+ if name is not None:
+ query = filter_name(query, table, name, language)
+ if id is not None:
+ query = query.filter_by(id=id)
+ if form_identifier is not None or form_name is not None:
+ if is_pokemon:
+ query = query.join(table.unique_form)
+ if form_identifier is not None:
+ query = query.filter(tables.PokemonForm.identifier ==
+ form_identifier)
+ if form_name is not None:
+ query = filter_name(query, table, form_name, language)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "form_identifier and form_name only make sense for pokemon")
+ elif is_pokemon:
+ query = filter_base_forms(query)
+ return query.one()
+### Helpers
+def filter_name(query, table, name, language):
+ """Filter a query by name, return the resulting query
+ query: The query to filter
+ table: The table of named objects
+ name: The name to look for. May be a tuple of alternatives.
+ language: The language for "name", or None for the session default
+ """
+ if language is None:
+ query = query.filter(table.name == name)
+ else:
+ names_table = table.names_table
+ query = query.join(names_table)
+ query = query.filter(names_table.foreign_id == table.id)
+ query = query.filter(names_table.local_language_id == language.id)
+ if isinstance(name, tuple):
+ query = query.filter(names_table.name in name)
+ else:
+ query = query.filter(names_table.name == name)
+ return query
+def filter_base_forms(query):
+ """Filter only base forms of pokemon, and return the resulting query
+ """
+ query = query.filter(tables.Pokemon.forms.any())
+ return query
+def order_by_name(query, table, language=None, *extra_languages):
+ """Order a query by name.
+ query: The query to order
+ table: Table of the named objects
+ language: The language to order names by. If None, use the
+ connection default.
+ extra_languages: Extra languages to order by, should the translations for
+ `language` be incomplete (or ambiguous).
+ Uses the identifier as a fallback ordering.
+ """
+ if language is None:
+ query = query.outerjoin(table.names_local)
+ query = query.order_by(table.names_table.name)
+ else:
+ extra_languages = (language, ) + extra_languages
+ for language in extra_languages:
+ names_table = aliased(table.names_table)
+ query = query.outerjoin(names_table)
+ query = query.filter(names_table.foreign_id == table.id)
+ query = query.filter(names_table.local_language_id == language.id)
+ query = query.order_by(names_table.name)
+ query = query.order_by(table.identifier)
+ return query
+_name = object()
+def get_all(session, table, order=_name):
+ """Shortcut to get an ordered query from table.
+ session: The session to use
+ table: The table to select from
+ order: A clause to order by, or None for no ordering.
+ The default is to order by name; this can also be specified explicitly
+ with the table's name property (e.g. tables.Pokemon.name). Be aware
+ that the query's order_by will not order by name this way.
+ """
+ query = session.query(table)
+ if order is table.name or order is _name:
+ query = order_by_name(query, table)
+ elif order is not None:
+ query = query.order_by(order)
+ return query
+### Shortcuts
+def pokemon(session, order=tables.Pokemon.id):
+ """Return a query for all base form pokemon, ordered by id by default
+ See get_all for the session and order arguments (but note the default for
+ pokemon is to order by id).
+ """
+ query = get_all(session, tables.Pokemon, order=order)
+ query = query.filter(tables.Pokemon.forms.any())
+ return query
+def moves(session, order=_name):
+ """Return a query for moves in the mainline games (i.e. no Shadow moves)
+ See get_all for the session and order arguments.
+ """
+ return get_all(session, tables.Move, order=order).filter(tables.Move.id < 10000)
+def types(session, order=_name):
+ """Return a query for sane types (i.e. not ???, Shadow)
+ See get_all for the session and order arguments.
+ """
+ return get_all(session, tables.Type, order=order).filter(tables.Type.id < 10000)
+def items(session, order=_name):
+ """Return a query for items
+ See get_all for the session and order arguments.
+ """
+ return get_all(session, tables.Item, order=order)