+from collections import namedtuple
+from pylons import url
+from spline.model import meta
+from splinext.forum import model as forum_model
+from splinext.frontpage.sources import Source
+def frontpage_hook(limit, max_age, forum_id):
+ """Hook to return recent news for the front page."""
+FrontPageThread = namedtuple('FrontPageThread', ['source', 'time', 'post'])
+class ForumSource(Source):
+ """Represents a forum whose threads are put on the front page.
+ ``link``, ``title``, and ``icon`` are all optional; the link and title
+ default to the forum's thread list and name, and the icon defaults to a
+ newspaper.
+ Extra properties:
+ ``forum_id``
+ id of the forum to check for new threads.
+ """
+ template = '/forum/front_page.mako'
+ def __init__(self, forum_id, **kwargs):
+ forum = meta.Session.query(forum_model.Forum).get(forum_id)
+ # Link is tricky. Needs url(), which doesn't exist when this class is
+ # loaded. Lazy-load it in poll() below, instead
+ kwargs.setdefault('link', None)
+ kwargs.setdefault('title', forum.name)
+ kwargs.setdefault('icon', 'newspapers')
+ super(ForumSource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.forum_id = forum_id
+ def _poll(self, limit, max_age):
+ if not self.link:
+ self.link = url(
+ controller='forum', action='threads', forum_id=self.forum_id)
+ thread_q = meta.Session.query(forum_model.Thread) \
+ .filter_by(forum_id=self.forum_id) \
+ .join(forum_model.Thread.first_post)
+ if max_age:
+ thread_q = thread_q.filter(forum_model.Post.posted_time >= max_age)
+ threads = thread_q \
+ .order_by(forum_model.Post.posted_time.desc()) \
+ [:limit]
+ updates = []
+ for thread in threads:
+ update = FrontPageThread(
+ source = self,
+ time = thread.first_post.posted_time,
+ post = thread.first_post,
+ )
+ updates.append(update)
+ return updates