+FrontPageActivity = namedtuple('FrontPageActivity', ['template', 'threads'])
+def forum_activity(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Show recently-active threads on the front page.
+ Note that this isn't the most recent X threads; it's threads that are more
+ recent than X, sorted by their activity since X.
+ """
+ # XXX this should be configurable probably
+ cutoff = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
+ # TODO some sort of dropoff here idk
+ active_threads_subq = meta.Session.query(
+ forum_model.Post.thread_id.label('thread_id'),
+ func.count('*').label('ranking'),
+ ) \
+ .filter(forum_model.Post.posted_time >= cutoff) \
+ .group_by(forum_model.Post.thread_id) \
+ .subquery()
+ threads_q = meta.Session.query(forum_model.Thread) \
+ .join((active_threads_subq,
+ active_threads_subq.c.thread_id == forum_model.Thread.id)) \
+ .order_by(active_threads_subq.c.ranking.desc()) \
+ .limit(10)
+ return FrontPageActivity(
+ template='/forum/front_page_activity.mako',
+ threads=threads_q.all(),
+ )