+class CachedSource(Source):
+ """Supports caching a source's updates in memcache.
+ On the surface, this functions just like any other ``Source``. Calling
+ ``poll`` still returns a list of updates. However, ``poll`` does not call
+ your ``_poll``; instead, your implementation is called by the spline cron,
+ and the results are cached. ``poll`` then returns the contents of the
+ cache.
+ You must define a ``_cache_key`` method that returns a key uniquely
+ identifying this object. Your key will be combined with the class name, so
+ it only needs to be unique for that source, not globally.
+ You may also override ``poll_frequency``, the number of minutes between
+ pollings. By default, this is a rather conservative 60.
+ Note that it may take up to a minute after server startup for updates
+ from a cached source to appear.
+ """
+ poll_frequency = 60
+ def cache_key(self):
+ return repr(type(self)) + ':' + self._cache_key()
+ def _cache_key(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def do_cron(self, tic, *args, **kwargs):
+ if tic % self.poll_frequency != 0:
+ # Too early!
+ return
+ updates = self._poll(self.limit, self.max_age)
+ cache.get_cache('spline-frontpage')[self.cache_key()] = updates
+ return
+ def poll(self, global_limit, global_max_age):
+ """Fetches cached updates."""
+ try:
+ return cache.get_cache('spline-frontpage')[self.cache_key()]
+ except KeyError:
+ # Haven't cached anything yet, apparently
+ return []