<%inherit file="/base.mako" />
+<%namespace name="dexlib" file="/pokedex/lib.mako"/>
<%def name="title()">Stored Pokémon</%def>
% if savefile.structure.ivs.is_egg:
${h.pokedex.pokedex_img("heartgold-soulsilver/egg.png", class_='icon')}
% else:
- ${h.pokedex.pokedex_img("heartgold-soulsilver/{0}{1}.png".format(
- 'shiny/' if savefile.is_shiny else '',
- savefile.structure.national_id),
+ ${h.pokedex.pokemon_sprite(savefile.species,
+ form=savefile.structure.alternate_form,
+ prefix='heartgold-soulsilver/' + ('shiny/' if savefile.is_shiny else ''),
% endif
<div class="header">
% if savefile.structure.ivs.is_nicknamed:
% else:
- ## XXX pokemon name
- ${savefile.structure.nickname}
+ ${savefile.species.full_name}
% endif
<span class="gender ${savefile.structure.gender}">
% if savefile.structure.gender == 'male':
% endif
- % if savefile.structure.alternate_form:
- ~ ${savefile.structure.alternate_form}
- % endif
<div class="personality">
+ ## Met stuff
Original trainer:
${u'♂' if savefile.structure.original_trainer_gender == 'male' else u'♀'}
<img src="${h.static_uri('spline', "flags/{0}.png".format(savefile.structure.original_country))}" alt="${savefile.structure.original_country}">,
- ID ${savefile.structure.original_trainer_id}
- <span class="secret-id">/ ${savefile.structure.original_trainer_secret_id}</span>
+ ID ${"%05d" % savefile.structure.original_trainer_id}
+ <span class="secret-id">/ ${"%05d" % savefile.structure.original_trainer_secret_id}</span>
- % if savefile.structure.date_egg_received == savefile.structure.date_met:
- Born and hatched on ${savefile.structure.date_egg_received}
- % elif savefile.structure.date_egg_received:
- Born on ${savefile.structure.date_egg_received};
- hatched on ${savefile.structure.date_met})
+ ${h.pokedex.pokedex_img("items/%s.png" % h.pokedex.filename_from_name(savefile.pokeball.name),
+ alt=savefile.pokeball.name, title=savefile.pokeball.name)}
+ % if savefile.structure.date_egg_received:
+ Egg received on ${savefile.structure.date_egg_received} around ${savefile.egg_location.name}.
+ Hatched on ${savefile.structure.date_met} around ${savefile.met_location.name} at level 1.
% else:
- [${savefile.structure.dppt_pokeball} ${savefile.structure.hgss_pokeball}]
- Caught on ${savefile.structure.date_met}
- at level ${savefile.structure.met_at_level}
+ Encountered via ${savefile.structure.encounter_type}
+ and caught on ${savefile.structure.date_met}
+ around
+ ${h.pokedex.pokedex_img("versions/{0}.png".format(savefile.structure.original_version))}
+ ${savefile.met_location.name}
+ at level ${savefile.structure.met_at_level}.
% endif
+ </p>
- at place number ${savefile.structure.dp_met_location_id}
- or maybe ${savefile.structure.dp_egg_location_id}
- orrrr ${savefile.structure.pt_met_location_id}
- or???? ${savefile.structure.pt_egg_location_id}
- ${h.pokedex.pokedex_img("versions/{0}.png".format(savefile.structure.original_version))}
- ps was a ${savefile.structure.encounter_type}
- % if savefile.structure.fateful_encounter:
- also fateful
+ ## Ribbons
+ <ul class="gts-pokemon-ribbons">
+ % for region, ribbon_container in ('hoenn', savefile.structure.hoenn_ribbons), \
+ ('sinnoh', savefile.structure.sinnoh_ribbons), \
+ ('sinnoh', savefile.structure.sinnoh_contest_ribbons):
+ % for ribbon in reversed(ribbon_container.__attrs__):
+ % if ribbon_container[ribbon]:
+ <li>${h.pokedex.pokedex_img("ribbons/{0}/{1}.png".format(region, ribbon.replace(u'_', u'-')), alt=ribbon.replace(u'_', u' ').title(), title=ribbon.replace(u'_', u' ').title())}</li>
% endif
- </p>
+ % endfor
+ % endfor
+ </ul>
- <h2>Stats</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt>Experience</dt>
- <dd>${savefile.structure.exp}</dd>
- <dt>Happiness</dt>
- <dd>${savefile.structure.happiness}</dd>
- <dt>Held item</dt>
- <dd>${savefile.structure.held_item_id}</dd>
- <dt>Ability</dt>
- <dd>${savefile.structure.ability_id}</dd>
- <dt>Pokérus</dt>
- <dd>${savefile.structure.pokerus}</dd>
- <dt>Markings</dt>
- <dd>
- <ul class="gts-pokemon-markings">
- % if savefile.structure.markings.heart:
- <li>♥</li>
- % else:
- <li>♡</li>
- % endif
- % if savefile.structure.markings.diamond:
- <li>◆</li>
- % else:
- <li>◇</li>
- % endif
- % if savefile.structure.markings.triangle:
- <li>▲</li>
- % else:
- <li>△</li>
- % endif
- % if savefile.structure.markings.square:
- <li>■</li>
- % else:
- <li>□</li>
- % endif
- % if savefile.structure.markings.star:
- <li>★</li>
- % else:
- <li>☆</li>
- % endif
- % if savefile.structure.markings.circle:
- <li>●</li>
+ ## Shiny leaves
+ % if savefile.structure.shining_leaves.crown:
+ <p>${h.pokedex.pokedex_img('chrome/leaf-crown.png', alt='Leaf Crown', title='Leaf Crown')}</p>
+ % elif any(savefile.shiny_leaves):
+ <ul class="gts-pokemon-leaves">
+ % for leaf in savefile.shiny_leaves:
+ <li>
+ % if leaf:
+ ${h.pokedex.pokedex_img('chrome/shiny-leaf.png', alt='Shiny Leaf', title='Shiny Leaf')}
+ % endif
+ </li>
+ % endfor
+ </ul>
+ % endif
+ <%! from pokedex import formulae %>\
+ <div class="dex-column-container gts-pokemon-columns">
+ <div class="dex-column">
+ <ul class="classic-list">
+ <li>Level ${savefile.level}: ${savefile.structure.exp} EXP</li>
+ % if savefile.exp_to_next:
+ <li>
+ <div class="gts-bar-container">
+ <div class="gts-bar" style="width: ${savefile.progress_to_next * 100}%;"> ${savefile.exp_to_next} to level ${savefile.level + 1}</div>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ % endif
+ <li>Has <a href="${url(controller='dex', action='abilities', name=savefile.ability.name.lower())}">${savefile.ability.name}</a></li>
+ <li>
+ % if savefile.held_item:
+ Holding ${h.pokedex.item_link(savefile.held_item)}
% else:
- <li>○</li>
+ Holding nothing
% endif
- </ul>
- </dd>
- <dt>Shiny leaves</dt>
- <dd>
- % if savefile.structure.shining_leaves.crown:
- ${h.pokedex.pokedex_img('chrome/leaf-crown.png', alt='Leaf Crown', title='Leaf Crown')}
- % else:
- <ul class="gts-pokemon-leaves">
- % for leaf_n in range(1, 6):
- <li>
- % if savefile.structure.shining_leaves['leaf' + str(leaf_n)]:
- ${h.pokedex.pokedex_img('chrome/shiny-leaf.png', alt='Shiny Leaf', title='Shiny Leaf')}
- % endif
- </li>
- % endfor
- </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <div class="gts-bar-container">
+ <div class="gts-bar" style="width: ${savefile.structure.happiness / 255.0 * 100}%;"> ${savefile.structure.happiness} happiness</div>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ % if savefile.structure.fateful_encounter:
+ <li class="fateful-encounter">fateful encounter</li>
+ % endif
+ % if savefile.structure.pokerus:
+ <li>PokéRUS! ${savefile.structure.pokerus}</li>
% endif
- </dd>
- <dt>Ribbons</dt>
- <dd>
- <ul class="gts-pokemon-ribbons">
- % for region, ribbon_container in ('hoenn', savefile.structure.hoenn_ribbons), \
- ('sinnoh', savefile.structure.sinnoh_ribbons), \
- ('sinnoh', savefile.structure.sinnoh_contest_ribbons):
- % for ribbon in reversed(ribbon_container.__attrs__):
- % if ribbon_container[ribbon]:
- <li>${h.pokedex.pokedex_img("ribbons/{0}/{1}.png".format(region, ribbon.replace(u'_', u'-')), alt=ribbon.replace(u'_', u' ').title(), title=ribbon.replace(u'_', u' ').title())}</li>
- % endif
- % endfor
- % endfor
- </ul>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <div class="dex-column-container gts-pokemon-columns">
+ <li>
+ <ul class="gts-pokemon-markings">
+ % if savefile.structure.markings.heart:
+ <li>♥</li>
+ % else:
+ <li>♡</li>
+ % endif
+ % if savefile.structure.markings.diamond:
+ <li>◆</li>
+ % else:
+ <li>◇</li>
+ % endif
+ % if savefile.structure.markings.triangle:
+ <li>▲</li>
+ % else:
+ <li>△</li>
+ % endif
+ % if savefile.structure.markings.square:
+ <li>■</li>
+ % else:
+ <li>□</li>
+ % endif
+ % if savefile.structure.markings.star:
+ <li>★</li>
+ % else:
+ <li>☆</li>
+ % endif
+ % if savefile.structure.markings.circle:
+ <li>●</li>
+ % else:
+ <li>○</li>
+ % endif
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
<div class="dex-column">
<tr class="header-row">
- <th>Stat</th>
+ <th></th>
+ <th>Base</th>
+ <th>Calc</th>
+ % for stat_info in savefile.stats:
- <th>HP</th>
- <td>${savefile.structure.ivs.iv_hp}</td>
- <td>${savefile.structure.effort_hp}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Attack</th>
- <td>${savefile.structure.ivs.iv_attack}</td>
- <td>${savefile.structure.effort_attack}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Defense</th>
- <td>${savefile.structure.ivs.iv_defense}</td>
- <td>${savefile.structure.effort_defense}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Special Attack</th>
- <td>${savefile.structure.ivs.iv_special_attack}</td>
- <td>${savefile.structure.effort_special_attack}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Special Defense</th>
- <td>${savefile.structure.ivs.iv_special_defense}</td>
- <td>${savefile.structure.effort_special_defense}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Speed</th>
- <td>${savefile.structure.ivs.iv_speed}</td>
- <td>${savefile.structure.effort_speed}</td>
+ <th>${stat_info.stat.name}</th>
+ <td>${stat_info.base}</td>
+ <td>
+ <div class="gts-bar-container">
+ <div class="gts-bar" style="width: ${stat_info.gene / 31.0 * 100}%;"> ${stat_info.gene}</div>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div class="gts-bar-container">
+ <div class="gts-bar" style="width: ${stat_info.exp / 255.0 * 100}%;"> ${stat_info.exp}</div>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td>${stat_info.calc}</td>
+ % endfor
<tr class="header-row">
- <th>move_id</th>
- <th>pp</th>
- <th>pp_ups</th>
+ <th colspan="2">Contest stats</th>
- % for i in range(1, 5):
+ % for contest_stat in ('beauty', 'cool', 'cute', 'smart', 'tough'):
- <td>${savefile.structure['move' + str(i) + '_id']}</td>
- <td>${savefile.structure['move' + str(i) + '_pp']}</td>
- <td>${savefile.structure['move' + str(i) + '_pp_ups']}</td>
+ <th>${h.pokedex.pokedex_img("chrome/contest/{0}.png".format(contest_stat))}</th>
+ <td>
+ <div class="gts-bar-container">
+ <div class="gts-bar" style="width: ${savefile.structure['contest_' + contest_stat] / 255.0 * 100}%;"> ${savefile.structure['contest_' + contest_stat]}</div>
+ </div>
+ </td>
% endfor
+ <tr>
+ <th>Sheen</th>
+ <td>
+ <div class="gts-bar-container">
+ <div class="gts-bar" style="width: ${savefile.structure.contest_sheen / 255.0 * 100}%;"> ${savefile.structure.contest_sheen}</div>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
- <div class="dex-column">
- <table>
+ </div>
+ ## Moves
+ <table class="dex-pokemon-moves striped-rows">
+ ${dexlib.move_table_columns()}
<tr class="header-row">
- <th></th>
- <th></th>
+ ${dexlib.move_table_header()}
- % for contest_stat in ('beauty', 'cool', 'cute', 'smart', 'tough'):
+ % for move, pp in zip(savefile.moves, savefile.move_pp):
- <th>${contest_stat}</th>
- <td>${savefile.structure['contest_' + contest_stat]}</td>
+ % if move:
+ ${dexlib.move_table_row(move, pp_override=pp)}
+ % else:
+ ${dexlib.move_table_blank_row()}
+ % endif
% endfor
- </table>
- </div>
- </div>
+ </table>
% endfor