+from unittest import TestCase
+from pseudoku.grid import Grid
+class SimpleGridTestCase(TestCase):
+ """Tests the solving integrity of some puzzles that can be solved using
+ only elimination and uniqueness.
+ """
+ def _test_single_puzzle(self, puzzle, msg=None):
+ """Solves a single puzzle and verifies that the result is, at least,
+ not incorrect.
+ """
+ grid = Grid.from_string(puzzle)
+ grid.solve()
+ self.assertTrue(grid.is_filled(), msg)
+ def test_simple(self):
+ self._test_single_puzzle("""
+ ...69.... 9.5..876. ..4..1.2.
+ 6...5...3 38.....49 7...3...2
+ .7.9..3.. .231..4.8 ....83...
+ """)