+# encoding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2010, Alex Munroe
# All rights reserved.
+import supybot.conf as conf
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.plugins as plugins
import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
+import pokedex.db
+import pokedex.db.tables as tables
+import pokedex.lookup
+import urllib
+def get_stat_color(stat):
+ if stat < 41:
+ return 4 # red
+ elif stat < 52:
+ return 7 # orange
+ elif stat < 61:
+ return 8 # yellow
+ elif stat < 71:
+ return 9 # green
+ elif stat < 85:
+ return 11 # cyan
+ elif stat < 100:
+ return 12 # blue
+ else:
+ return 13 # purple
class Pokedex(callbacks.Plugin):
"""Add the help for "@plugin help Pokedex" here
This should describe *how* to use this plugin."""
- pass
+ def __init__(self, irc):
+ self.__parent = super(Pokedex, self)
+ self.__parent.__init__(irc)
+ self.db = pokedex.db.connect(self.registryValue('databaseURL'))
+ self.lookup = pokedex.lookup.PokedexLookup(
+ directory=conf.supybot.directories.data.dirize('pokedex-index'),
+ session=self.db,
+ )
+ def pokedex(self, irc, msg, args, thing):
+ """<thing...>
+ Looks up <thing> in the veekun Pokédex."""
+ # Fix encoding. Sigh.
+ if not isinstance(thing, unicode):
+ ascii_thing = thing
+ try:
+ thing = ascii_thing.decode('utf8')
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ thing = ascii_thing.decode('latin1')
+ # Similar logic to the site, here.
+ results = self.lookup.lookup(thing)
+ # Nothing found
+ if len(results) == 0:
+ self._reply(irc, "I don't know what that is.")
+ return
+ # Multiple matches; propose them all
+ if len(results) > 1:
+ if results[0].exact:
+ reply = "Are you looking for"
+ else:
+ reply = "Did you mean"
+ # For exact name matches with multiple results, use type prefixes
+ # (item:Metronome). For anything else, omit them
+ use_prefixes = (results[0].exact
+ and '*' not in thing
+ and '?' not in thing)
+ result_strings = []
+ for result in results:
+ result_string = result.object.name
+ # Prepend, e.g., pokemon: if necessary
+ if use_prefixes:
+ # Table classes know their singular names
+ prefix = result.object.__singlename__
+ result_string = prefix + ':' + result_string
+ # Identify foreign language names
+ if result.language:
+ result_string += u""" ({0}: {1})""".format(
+ result.iso3166, result.name)
+ result_strings.append(result_string)
+ self._reply(irc, u"{0}: {1}?".format(reply, '; '.join(result_strings)))
+ return
+ # If we got here, there's an exact match; hurrah!
+ result = results[0]
+ obj = result.object
+ # Deal with Pokémon shenanigans
+ if isinstance(obj, tables.PokemonForm):
+ obj = obj.pokemon
+ elif isinstance(obj, tables.PokemonSpecies):
+ obj = obj.default_pokemon
+ if isinstance(obj, tables.Pokemon):
+ reply_template = \
+ u"""#{id} {name}, {type}-type Pokémon. Has {abilities}. """ \
+ """{stats}. """ \
+ """http://veekun.com/dex/pokemon/{link_name}"""
+ if not obj.is_default:
+ # Can't use urllib.quote() on the whole thing or it'll
+ # catch "?" and "=" where it shouldn't.
+ # XXX Also we need to pass urllib.quote() things explicitly
+ # encoded as utf8 or else we get a UnicodeEncodeError.
+ link_name = '{name}?form={form}'.format(
+ name=urllib.quote(obj.species.name.lower().encode('utf8')),
+ form=urllib.quote(obj.default_form.form_identifier.lower().encode('utf8')),
+ )
+ else:
+ link_name = urllib.quote(obj.species.name.lower().encode('utf8'))
+ # a/b/c/d/e/f sucks. Put stats in a more readable format.
+ # Also, color-code them by good-osity.
+ colored_stats = []
+ stat_total = 0
+ for pokemon_stat in obj.stats:
+ base_stat = pokemon_stat.base_stat
+ stat_total += base_stat
+ color = get_stat_color(base_stat)
+ colored_stats.append(
+ "\x03{0:02d}{1}\x0f".format(color, base_stat)
+ )
+ colored_stat_total = "\x03{0:02d}{1}\x0f".format(
+ get_stat_color(stat_total / 6),
+ stat_total,
+ )
+ stats = """{0} HP, {1}/{2} phys, {3}/{4} spec, {5} speed; {total} total""" \
+ .format(*colored_stats, total=colored_stat_total)
+ self._reply(irc, reply_template.format(
+ id=obj.species.id,
+ name=obj.name,
+ type='/'.join(_.name for _ in obj.types),
+ abilities=' or '.join(_.name for _ in obj.abilities),
+ stats=stats,
+ link_name=link_name,
+ )
+ )
+ elif isinstance(obj, tables.Move):
+ reply_template = \
+ u"""{name}, {type}-type {damage_class} move. """ \
+ """{power} power; {accuracy}% accuracy; {pp} PP. """ \
+ """{effect} """ \
+ """http://veekun.com/dex/moves/{link_name}"""
+ self._reply(irc, reply_template.format(
+ name=obj.name,
+ type=obj.type.name,
+ damage_class=obj.damage_class.name,
+ power=obj.power,
+ accuracy=obj.accuracy,
+ pp=obj.pp,
+ effect=unicode(obj.short_effect.as_text()),
+ link_name=urllib.quote(obj.name.lower().encode('utf8')),
+ )
+ )
+ elif isinstance(obj, tables.Type):
+ reply_template = u"""{name}, a type. """
+ offensive_reply_factors = {
+ 200: u'\x03092×\x0f',
+ 50: u'\x0304½×\x0f',
+ 0: u'\x03140×\x0f',
+ }
+ offensive_modifiers = {}
+ for matchup in obj.damage_efficacies:
+ if matchup.damage_factor != 100:
+ offensive_modifiers.setdefault(matchup.damage_factor, []) \
+ .append(matchup.target_type.name)
+ if offensive_modifiers:
+ reply_template += u"""{offensive_modifiers}. """
+ for factor in offensive_modifiers:
+ offensive_modifiers[factor] = u'{factor} against {types}'.format(
+ factor=offensive_reply_factors[factor],
+ types=', '.join(sorted(offensive_modifiers[factor]))
+ )
+ defensive_reply_factors = {
+ 200: u'\x03042×\x0f',
+ 50: u'\x0309½×\x0f',
+ 0: u'\x03110×\x0f',
+ }
+ defensive_modifiers = {}
+ for matchup in obj.target_efficacies:
+ if matchup.damage_factor != 100:
+ defensive_modifiers.setdefault(matchup.damage_factor, []) \
+ .append(matchup.damage_type.name)
+ if defensive_modifiers:
+ reply_template += u"""{defensive_modifiers}. """
+ for factor in defensive_modifiers:
+ defensive_modifiers[factor] = u'{factor} from {types}'.format(
+ factor=defensive_reply_factors[factor],
+ types=', '.join(sorted(defensive_modifiers[factor]))
+ )
+ reply_template += u"""http://veekun.com/dex/types/{link_name}"""
+ self._reply(irc, reply_template.format(
+ name=obj.name.capitalize(),
+ offensive_modifiers='; '.join(offensive_modifiers[_]
+ for _ in sorted(offensive_modifiers)),
+ defensive_modifiers='; '.join(defensive_modifiers[_]
+ for _ in sorted(defensive_modifiers)),
+ link_name=urllib.quote(obj.name.lower().encode('utf8')),
+ )
+ )
+ elif isinstance(obj, tables.Item):
+ reply_template = \
+ u"""{name}, an item. {effect} """ \
+ """http://veekun.com/dex/items/{link_pocket}/{link_name}"""
+ effect = obj.short_effect
+ if effect is None:
+ effect = 'No short effect, sorry. :('
+ else:
+ effect = unicode(effect.as_text())
+ self._reply(irc, reply_template.format(
+ name=obj.name,
+ effect=effect,
+ link_pocket=urllib.quote(obj.pocket.name.lower().encode('utf8')),
+ link_name=urllib.quote(obj.name.lower().encode('utf8')),
+ )
+ )
+ elif isinstance(obj, tables.Ability):
+ reply_template = \
+ u"""{name}, an ability. {effect} """ \
+ """http://veekun.com/dex/abilities/{link_name}"""
+ self._reply(irc, reply_template.format(
+ name=obj.name,
+ effect=obj.short_effect.as_text(),
+ link_name=urllib.quote(obj.name.lower().encode('utf8')),
+ )
+ )
+ elif isinstance(obj, tables.Nature):
+ reply_template = \
+ u"""{name}, a nature. """ \
+ u"""Raises \x0303{up}\x0f, lowers \x0304{down}\x0f. """ \
+ u"""http://veekun.com/dex/natures/{link_name}"""
+ self._reply(irc, reply_template.format(
+ name=obj.name,
+ up=obj.increased_stat.name,
+ down=obj.decreased_stat.name,
+ link_name=urllib.quote(obj.name.lower().encode('utf8')),
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ # This can only happen if lookup.py is upgraded and we are not
+ self._reply(irc, "Uhh.. I found that, but I don't know what it is. :(")
+ pokedex = wrap(pokedex, [rest('something')])
+ def _reply(self, irc, response):
+ """Wraps irc.reply() to do some Unicode decoding."""
+ if isinstance(response, str):
+ irc.reply(response)
+ else:
+ irc.reply(response.encode('utf8'))
Class = Pokedex