map = Mapper(directory=config['pylons.paths']['controllers'],
always_scan=config['debug'], explicit=True)
map.minimization = False
# explicit = True disables a broken feature called "route memory",
# where it adds everything matched in the current request as default variables
# for the next one. This is wrong because it doesn't invalidate things lower down in
require_POST = dict(conditions={'method': ['POST']})
+ # get rid of trailing slashes
+ map.redirect('/*(url)/', '/{url}',
+ _redirect_code='301 Moved Permanently')
# The ErrorController route (handles 404/500 error pages); it should
# likely stay at the top, ensuring it can always be resolved
map.connect('/error/{action}', controller='error')
map.connect('/users/{name}', controller='users', action='view')
# Art stuff
- map.connect('/art/new', controller='art', action='new')
- map.connect('/art/upload', controller='art', action='upload')
- map.connect('show_art', '/art/{id}', controller='art', action='show')
- map.connect('/art/{id}/tag', controller='art', action='tag')
+ art = map.resource('art','art', controller="art", member={'rate':'PUT'})
+ # wow, it even works if you name the plural and singular the same thing.
+ # Resources documented here:
+ # It seems the first parameter (singular) is only ever used in route names, e.g. url('kitten', id=5).
+ # The second parameter, plural, is used everywhere else by default: in the url, controller name,
+ # and the route name for the collection. e.g. url('kittens') -> '/kittens' -> kittens.index().
+ # Since our controllers have singular names, we'll have to override this every time with the 'controller' parameter.
+ # Even singular routes use the plural in urls. url('kitten', id=5) -> '/kittens/5'.
+ # And it appears that if the singular and plural are the same, either will match, so no harm done.
+ # It does mean, however, that if you have a None id accidentally, url('art', id=None) you'll get the same thing
+ # as url('art'). I mean, you might have wanted a singular but you got a plural route instead.
+ map.resource('tag','tags', controller="tag",
+ parent_resource=dict(member_name='art', collection_name='art'))
+ # Yeah, parent resources are specified kinda dumb-ly. Would be better if you could pass in the
+ # real parent resource instead of mocking it up with a silly dict. We should file a feature request.
+ # I think resources is the right way to go for most things. It ensures all of our actions have the right
+ # methods on them, at least. It does require the use of silly _method="delete" post parameters though.
+ # One sticking point though is, it'll happily allow you to add any formatting string you want, like art/1.json
+ # I wonder if there's a way to place requirements on that, or disable it until we actually have formats.
+ # It just serves the same action as usual but with a format argument in the context.
+ # map.connect('/art/new', controller='art', action='new')
+ # map.connect('/art/upload', controller='art', action='upload')
+ # map.connect('show_art', '/art/{id}', controller='art', action='show')
+ # map.connect('/art/{id}/tag', controller='art', action='tag')
- map.connect('/tag/{id}/delete', controller='tag', action='delete')
+ # map.connect('/tag/{id}/delete', controller='tag', action='delete')
map.connect('search', '/search', controller='search', action='index')
map.connect('/search/list', controller='search', action='list')
import logging
from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, h
-from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect_to
+from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
+from pylons import url
from floof.lib.base import BaseController, render
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import elixir
-from import Art
+from import Art, Rating
class ArtController(BaseController):
def __before__(self, id=None):
return render("/art/new.mako")
# TODO: login required
- def upload(self):
+ def create(self):
Art(uploaded_by=c.user, **request.params)
redirect_to(controller="main", action="index")
c.your_score =
return render("/art/show.mako")
- # TODO: login required
- def tag(self, id):
- # = h.get_object_or_404(Art, id=id)
-["tags"], c.user)
- elixir.session.commit()
- redirect_to('show_art',
+ # # TODO: login required
+ # def tag(self, id):
+ # # = h.get_object_or_404(Art, id=id)
+ #["tags"], c.user)
+ # elixir.session.commit()
+ # redirect_to('show_art',
+ #
# TODO: login required
def rate(self, id):
# = h.get_object_or_404(Art, id=id)
-["score"], c.user)
+ score = request.params.get("score")
+ if score and score.isnumeric():
+ score = int(score)
+ else:
+ score = Rating.reverse_options.get(score)
+, c.user)
- redirect_to('show_art',
+ redirect(url('art',
import logging
-from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c
-from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect_to
+from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, h
+from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from floof.lib.base import BaseController, render
+from pylons import url
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import elixir
-from import Tag
+from import Art, Tag
class TagController(BaseController):
- def delete(self, id):
+ # TODO: login required
+ def delete(self, art_id, id):
tag = Tag.get(id)
if tag:
- redirect_to(request.referrer)
\ No newline at end of file
+ redirect(url('art', id=art_id))
+ # TODO: login required
+ def create(self, art_id):
+ = h.get_object_or_404(Art, id=art_id)
+["tags"], c.user)
+ elixir.session.commit()
+ redirect(url('art',
# from webhelpers.html.tags import checkbox, password
from webhelpers import *
from routes import url_for, redirect_to
+from pylons import url
# Scaffolding helper imports
from webhelpers.html.tags import *
art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
rater = ManyToOne('User', ondelete='cascade')
score = Field(Integer)
+ # @score.setter
+ # def score(self, value):
options = {-1:"sucks", 0:"undecided", 1:"good", 2:"great"}
default = 0
<h1>Viewing Art</h1>
% if c.user:
-${h.form (h.url_for (controller='art', action='tag',, multipart=True)}
+${h.form (h.url("art_tags",}
Add Some Tags: ${h.text('tags')}
${h.submit('submit', 'Tag!')}
% for tag in
-<a href="${url(controller='tag', action='delete',}">x</a>
+${h.form(h.url("art_tag",,, method="delete")}
+${h.submit('delete', 'X')}
<a href="${url(controller='search', action='index', query=tag)}">${tag}</a>
% endfor
<h2>What do you think?</h2>
+${h.form (h.url("rate_art",, method="put")}
% for score,text in sorted(Rating.options.items()):
-<a href="${h.url_for(controller='art', action='rate',}?score=${score}" \
% if c.your_score == score:
-class="selected" \
+${h.submit('score', text, class_="selected")}
+% else:
+${h.submit('score', text)}
% endif
% endfor
% endif
<img class="full" src="${}">
<a href="${h.url_for("/")}">Home</a>
% if c.user:
-| <a href="${h.url_for(controller="art", action="new")}">Add Art</a>
+| <a href="${h.url("new_art")}">Add Art</a>
| <a href="${h.url_for(controller="search", action="list")}">Your Searches</a>
## | <a href="${h.url_for("/users/"+c.user}">Your Page</a>
% endif
<ul class="artwork-grid">
% for artwork in c.artwork:
- <li><a href="${h.url_for(controller="art", action="show",}">
+ <li><a href="${h.url("art",}">
<img width="180" src="${artwork.get_path()}">
% endfor
--- uploading files
\ No newline at end of file
+- new art:
+ if hash exists, do not create another record.
+- search syntax:
+ railroad it
\ No newline at end of file