+ def add_tags(self, tags, user):
+ for tag in tags.split():
+ if len(tag) > 50:
+ raise "Long Tag!" # can we handle this more gracefully?
+ # sqlite seems happy to store strings much longer than the supplied limit...
+ # elixir should really have its own find_or_create.
+ tagtext = find_or_create(TagText, text=tag)
+ tag = find_or_create(Tag, art=self, tagger=user, tagtext=tagtext)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.get_path()
+class Tag(Entity):
+ # look into how ondelete works. It just sets a database property.
+ art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
+ tagger = ManyToOne('User')
+ tagtext = ManyToOne('TagText')
+ # this text setter is no longer useful since I changed the way Art#add_tags works
+ # but I'll leave it in here just for several minutes nostalgia.
+ # def set_text(self, text):
+ # self.tagtext = TagText.get_by(text=text)
+ # if not self.tagtext:
+ # self.tagtext = TagText(text=text)
+ #
+ # text = property(lambda self: self.tagtext.text, set_text)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ if not self.tagtext:
+ return "(broken)"
+ return unicode(self.tagtext)
+class TagText(Entity):
+ text = Field(Unicode(50)) # gotta enforce this somehow
+ tags = OneToMany('Tag')
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.text
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