c.art.discussion = Discussion(count=0)
- if c.form.by_me and c.user not in c.form.by.data:
- UserRelation(user=c.user, creator=c.user, kind="by", art=c.art)
- for artist in c.form.by.data:
- UserRelation(user=artist, creator=c.user, kind="by", art=c.art)
++ # <<<<<<< HEAD
++ # if c.form.by_me and c.user not in c.form.by.data:
++ # UserRelation(user=c.user, creator=c.user, kind="by", art=c.art)
++ #
++ # for artist in c.form.by.data:
++ # UserRelation(user=artist, creator=c.user, kind="by", art=c.art)
++ # =======
+ # For the moment, cheerfully assume that people are uploading their own
+ # art
+ ArtUser(art=c.art, user=c.user, type=ArtUserType.BY)
++ # >>>>>>> origin/master
--- /dev/null
+ from floof.model import Art, ArtUser, ArtUserType, Tag, TagText, User
++from dbhelpers import find_or_create
++import re
+ def parse(search_string):
+ """Parses a search query, and returns a query object on Art.
+ Queries can contain:
+ - Regular tags: foo
+ - User relations: by:kalu, of:eevee, for:ootachi
+ Later:
+ - Negative versions of anything above: -by:eevee, -dongs
+ """
+ # XXX doesn't do negative querying yet.
+ # XXX could use some sane limits.
+ # We'll be building this as we go.
+ q = Art.query
+ terms = search_string.split()
+ for tag in terms:
+ if ':' in tag:
+ # This is a special tag; at the moment, by/for/of to indicate
+ # related users
+ prefix, tag = tag.split(':', 1)
+ # XXX what to do if this fails? abort? return empty query?
+ target_user = User.get_by(name=tag)
+ if prefix == 'by':
+ rel = ArtUserType.BY
+ elif prefix == 'for':
+ rel = ArtUserType.FOR
+ elif prefix == 'of':
+ rel = ArtUserType.OF
+ else:
+ # Bogus tag. Not sure what to do here, so for the moment,
+ # ignore it
+ continue
+ # Inner join to the ArtUser table
+ q = q.join(ArtUser, aliased=True) \
+ .filter(ArtUser.user == target_user) \
+ .filter(ArtUser.type == rel)
+ else:
+ # Regular ol' tag
+ q = q.join(Tag, TagText, aliased=True) \
+ .filter(TagText.text == tag)
+ return q
+ def add_tags(art, tag_string, user):
+ """Takes a string that looks like a tag query, and effectively modifies the
+ art's tags to match it.
+ """
+ # XXX what to do with invalid tags? just return them and let caller fix?
+ bad_tags = []
+ for tag_text in tag_string.split():
+ original_tag_text = tag_text
+ tag_text = tag_text.lower()
+ # Adding or removing a tag?
+ if tag_text[0] == '-':
+ add = False
+ tag_text = tag_text[1:]
+ else:
+ # Allow "+foo" to mean "add foo"
+ if tag_text[0] == '+':
+ tag_text = tag_text[1:]
+ add = True
+ # Check for special namespaces
+ prefix = None
+ if ':' in tag_text:
+ prefix, tag_text = tag_text.split(':', 1)
+ if prefix not in ['by', 'for', 'of']:
+ # This is bogus. Skip it.
+ bad_tags.append(original_tag_text)
+ continue
+ if prefix == 'by':
+ # XXX this needs supporting. silently ignore for now
+ continue
+ # Must be 3-50 alphanumeric characters
+ if not re.match('^[a-z0-9]{3,50}$', tag_text):
+ bad_tags.append(original_tag_text)
+ continue
+ # Do work!
+ if prefix:
+ target_user = User.get_by(name=tag_text)
+ # Special tag; at the moment, just a relationship
+ if prefix == 'by':
+ rel = ArtUserType.BY
+ elif prefix == 'for':
+ rel = ArtUserType.FOR
+ elif prefix == 'of':
+ rel = ArtUserType.OF
+ user_assoc_data = dict(art=art, user=target_user, type=rel)
+ if add:
+ find_or_create(ArtUser, **user_assoc_data)
+ else:
+ # XXX this will die for nonassociations
+ user_assoc = ArtUser.get_by(art=art, **user_assoc_data)
+ user_assoc.delete()
+ else:
+ # Regular tag
+ if add:
+ tag = find_or_create(TagText, text=tag_text)
+ find_or_create(Tag, art=art, tagger=user, tagtext=tag)
+ else:
+ tag = TagText.get_by(text=tag_text)
+ if tag:
+ # XXX this will die
+ tag_assoc = Tag.get_by(art=art, tagger=user, tagtext=tag)
+ tag_assoc.delete()
+ elixir.session.commit()
<%inherit file="/base.mako" />
<h1>Add New Art</h1>
- <p>Now: Upload a file. Later: Supply a link? Not exclusive to uploading.</p>
- ## Todo: write some macros to make outputting form fields easier.
${h.form(h.url('create_art'), multipart=True)}
- <div>
- ${normal_field(c.form.by)}
- ${checkbox_field(c.form.by_me)}
- </div>
- <div>${normal_field(c.form.file)}</div>
++##<<<<<<< HEAD
++## ${normal_field(c.form.by)}
++## ${checkbox_field(c.form.by_me)}
+ ## Todo: write some macros to make outputting form fields easier.
+ ${normal_field(c.form.file)}
++##>>>>>>> origin/master
- ##Artist: ${h.text('artist')}
- ##${h.file('file')}
${h.submit(None, 'Upload!')}