map.connect('/tag/{id}/delete', controller='tag', action='delete')
map.connect('/search', controller='search', action='index')
+ map.connect('/search/list', controller='search', action='list')
# default routing is back so we can test stuff.
# please don't take it away until we have some more core features in.
import logging
-from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c
+from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, h
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect_to
from floof.lib.base import BaseController, render
redirect_to(controller="main", action="index")
def show(self, id):
- = Art.get(id)
- c.your_score =
+ = h.get_object_or_404(Art, id=id)
+ if c.user:
+ c.your_score =
return render("/art/show.mako")
- # should force logged in on these things
+ # TODO: login required
def tag(self, id):
- art = Art.get(id)
- art.add_tags(request.params["tags"], c.user)
+ = h.get_object_or_404(Art, id=id)
+["tags"], c.user)
- redirect_to(action="show",
+ redirect_to(action="show",
+ # TODO: login required
def rate(self, id):
- art = Art.get(id)
- art.rate(request.params["score"], c.user)
+ = h.get_object_or_404(Art, id=id)
+["score"], c.user)
- redirect_to(action="show",
+ redirect_to(action="show",
import logging
-from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c
+from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, h
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect_to
from floof.lib.base import BaseController, render
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from import Art, Tag, TagText
+from import SavedSearch
import elixir
class SearchController(BaseController):
def index(self):
- """Search, implemented the stupid way!"""
- query = request.params.get('query', '')
- tags = query.split()
+ if request.params.get('button') == 'Save':
+ return
+ c.query = request.params.get('query', '')
+ tags = c.query.split()
tagtexts = TagText.query.filter(TagText.text.in_(tags))
tagtext_ids = [ for _ in tagtexts]
.filter(Tag.tagtext_id.in_(tagtext_ids)) \
- return render('/index.mako')
\ No newline at end of file
+ return render('/index.mako')
+ # TODO: login required
+ def save(self):
+ c.query = request.params.get('query', '')
+ saved_search = SavedSearch(author=c.user, string=c.query)
+ elixir.session.commit()
+ redirect_to(action="list")
+ # TODO: do something better than this.
+ # TODO: login required
+ def list(self):
+ c.searches = c.user.searches
+ return render('/searches.mako')
+ # TODO: login required
+ def display(self, id):
+ = h.get_object_or_404(SavedSearch, id=id)
+ # TODO: create a gallery widget
+ redirect_to(controller="users", action="view",
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+def parse(query):
+ words = query.split()
+ tags = []
+ for word in words:
+ components = word.split(':')
+ if len(components) == 1:
+ # tags are plain.
+ tags.append(word)
+ elif components[0] == "rating":
+ if components[1].isnumeric():
+ score = int(components[1])
+ else:
+ score = Rating.reverse_options.get(components[1])
+ if -1 <= score <= 3:
+ pass
+ # TODO: Find stuff that has this rating
+ # Rating.query.filter(Rating.s)
+ tagtexts = TagText.query.filter(TagText.text.in_(tags))
+ tagtext_ids = map(lambda, tagtexts)
+ # TODO: this is wrong. Please fix it so it returns art that has all the tags.
+ art_tag_pairs = elixir.session.query(Art,Tag).filter( == Tag.art_id).\
+ filter(Tag.tagtext_id.in_(tagtext_ids)).all()
+ # just the art please.
+ c.artwork = map(lambda x: x[0], art_tag_pairs)
+ return render('/index.mako')
# # import other entities here, e.g.
# from import BlogEntry, BlogComment
-from import Art
-from floof.model.users import User, IdentityURL
+from floof.model import art, users, search
# Finally, call elixir to set up the tables.
# but not if using reflected tables
original_filename = Field(Unicode(120))
hash = Field(String)
- uploaded_by = ManyToOne('User')
+ uploader = ManyToOne('User')
tags = OneToMany('Tag')
# def __init__(self, **kwargs):
--- /dev/null
+from elixir import *
+from users import User
+class SavedSearch(Entity):
+ string = Field(Unicode) # I tried calling this query, but it broke elixir
+ author = ManyToOne(User)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.string
+class GalleryWidget(Entity):
+ search = ManyToOne(SavedSearch)
+ displayer = ManyToOne(User) # determines whose page should it should show up on
+ # Could be no-ones, if it's just a template.
+ # Needs some fields for position on your page
+ @property
+ def query(self):
+ return
+ @query.setter
+ def query(self, value):
+ # TODO: should we delete the possibly orphaned saved search?
+ if not self.displayer:
+ # TODO: may have to refactor this into an init if the key ordering is inconvenienc
+ raise "Oh no! This gallery needs a displayer to set on the saved search."
+ = SavedSearch(author=self.displayer, query=value)
\ No newline at end of file
name = Field(Unicode(20))
uploads = OneToMany('Art')
has_many('identity_urls', of_kind='IdentityURL')
+ searches = OneToMany('SavedSearch')
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return
class IdentityURL(Entity):
url = Field(Unicode(255))
/*** Common bits and pieces ***/
/* General form layout */
+a {color:blue; text-decoration:none; pointer:cursor;} /* Who needs visited links */
dl.form { margin: 1em 0; padding-left: 1em; border-left: 0.5em solid gray; }
dl.form dt { padding-bottom: 0.25em; font-style: italic; }
dl.form dd { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
<%! from import Rating %>
-<h1>View Art</h1>
+<h1>Viewing Art</h1>
+% if c.user:
${h.form (h.url_for (controller='art', action='tag',, multipart=True)}
Add Some Tags: ${h.text('tags')}
${h.submit('submit', 'Tag!')}
<a href="${url(controller='search', action='index', query=tag)}">${tag}</a>
% endfor
-What do you think?
+<h2>What do you think?</h2>
% for score,text in sorted(Rating.options.items()):
<a href="${h.url_for(controller='art', action='rate',}?score=${score}" \
% if c.your_score == score:
% endif
% endfor
+% endif
<img class="full" src="${}">
<div id="header">
<a href="${h.url_for("/")}">Home</a>
+% if c.user:
+| <a href="${h.url_for(controller="art", action="new")}">Add Art</a>
+| <a href="${h.url_for(controller="search", action="list")}">Your Searches</a>
+## | <a href="${h.url_for("/users/"+c.user}">Your Page</a>
+% endif
${h.form(h.url_for(controller='search'), method='GET')}
-${h.text('query')} ${h.submit(None, 'Search')}
+${h.text('query', c.query)}
+${h.submit('button', 'Search')}
+% if c.user:
+${h.submit('button', 'Save')}
+% endif
+## Note: should probably only display "save" when we're on a results page
+## Also, what if we had it save a hidden form containing the search result that was
+## actually rendered? Might be confusing though.
<div id="user">
<%inherit file="base.mako" />
-<a href="${h.url_for(controller="art", action="new")}">Add New Art!</a>
<ul class="artwork-grid">
% for artwork in c.artwork:
--- /dev/null
+<%inherit file="base.mako" />
+% for search in c.searches:
+<li><a href="${h.url_for(controller="search", action="index")}?query=${search}">${search}</a>
+ - <a href="${h.url_for(controller="search", action="display",}">(display on your page)</a>
+% endfor
\ No newline at end of file