sub.connect('/*owner_url/comments/{id}/reply', action='reply')
sub.connect('/*owner_url/comments/{id}/reply_done', action='reply_done', **require_POST)
+ # Art
with map.submapper(controller="art") as sub:
sub.connect('new_art', '/art/new', action="new")
sub.connect('create_art', '/art/create', action="create")
sub.connect('rate_art', '/art/{id}/rate', action="rate")
sub.connect('show_art', '/art/{id}', action="show")
+ # Some art pages pertain to a specific user, but still belong in the art
+ # controller
+ map.connect('/users/{name}/watchstream', controller='art', action='watchstream')
with map.submapper(controller='tag') as sub:
sub.connect('delete_tag', '/art/{art_id}/tag/{id}')
sub.connect('create_tag', '/art/{art_id}/tag')
import elixir
from import Art, Rating
from floof.model.comments import Discussion
+from floof.model.users import User, UserRelationship
+from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.exceptions import IntegrityError
+from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
class ArtController(BaseController):
+ def watchstream(self, name):
+ """Watchstream for a certain user."""
+ try:
+ c.watching_user = User.query.filter(func.lower( == name) \
+ .one()
+ except NoResultFound:
+ abort(404)
+ # This user has watches which are users which have art
+ # XXX use artist, not uploader
+ c.artwork = Art.query.join(Art.uploader,
+ User.target_of_relationships) \
+ .filter(UserRelationship.user_id ==
+ return render('/index.mako')
# SQLAlchemy session manager. Updated by model.init_model()
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())
-# Global metadata. If you have multiple databases with overlapping table
-# names, you'll need a metadata for each database
-metadata = MetaData()
# galleries = OneToMany('GalleryWidget')
pages = OneToMany('UserPage', inverse="owner")
primary_page = OneToOne('UserPage', inverse="owner")
+ relationships = OneToMany('UserRelationship', inverse='user')
+ target_of_relationships = OneToMany('UserRelationship', inverse='target_user')
def __unicode__(self):
title = Field(String)
visible = Field(Boolean)
- galleries = OneToMany('GalleryWidget')
\ No newline at end of file
+ galleries = OneToMany('GalleryWidget')
+class UserRelationshipTypes(object):
+class UserRelationship(Entity):
+ """Represents some sort of connection between users.
+ For the moment, this means "watching". Later, it may mean friending or
+ ignoring.
+ XXX: Watching should be made more general than this; it should have the
+ power of an arbitrary query per watched artist without being unintelligible
+ to users.
+ """
+ user = ManyToOne('User')
+ target_user = ManyToOne('User')
+ type = Field(Integer) # UserRelationshipTypes above
% if c.user:
| <a href="${h.url("new_art")}">Add Art</a>
| <a href="${h.url_for(controller="search", action="list")}">Your Searches</a>
+| <a href="${h.url_for(controller="art", action="watchstream",}">Watchstream</a>
## | <a href="${h.url_for("/users/"+c.user}">Your Page</a>
% endif