sub.connect('delete_tag', '/art/{art_id}/tag/{id}')
sub.connect('create_tag', '/art/{art_id}/tag')
+ with map.submapper(controller='relation') as sub:
+ sub.connect('create_relation', '/art/{art_id}/relations/{kind}/create', action="create")
+ # TODO: conditions: kind = by|for|of|character?
map.resource('tag','tags', controller="tag",
parent_resource=dict(member_name='art', collection_name='art'))
# Yeah, parent resources are specified kinda dumb-ly. Would be better if you could pass in the
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import elixir
-from import Art, Rating
+from floof.model.users import User
+from floof.model import Art, Rating, UserRelation
from floof.model.comments import Discussion
from floof.model.users import User, UserRelationship
from sqlalchemy.exceptions import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
+from wtforms.validators import ValidationError
+from wtforms import *
+class ArtUploadForm(Form):
+ by = TextField('Artists')
+ file = FileField('Upload')
+ url = TextField('Link')
+ # TODO: make this general purpose
+ def validate_file(self, field):
+ if == u'':
+ raise ValidationError('File is required')
+ # Also make this into a general User List field validator
+ """ PLEASE NOTE! I just realized that I need to have a __str__ method on User
+ to get it to write the usernames back in the form when it redisplays them, since
+ this validator turns them into user objects instead. This fact actually sounds dangerous
+ to me in the future, since it means I proably shouldn't be changing the data input
+ by the user right here in the validator, or the user will see the post-mangled data instead
+ of what they actually typed. Hm.
+ One solution to this could be to only look up the users after normal validation is over,
+ and then manually add validation errors to the form if that fails. But I think that kind of
+ sucks. Perhaps the ideology in Formish, where they keep Validation and Conversion as
+ separate tasks, is a better way of doing it? That way there is less risk of changing the user's
+ input -- you do that at the conversiot stage -- yet it is still encapsulated in the form workflow.
+ Hm. But that means I'd have to query for the users in the validation step and throw them away,
+ or something equally stupid. Guess there's no perfect solution here, but I thought it was
+ worth discussing.
+ Btw, this is meant to be used by a field with multi user autocompletion on it (like on stackoverflow tags),
+ so the user should never actually submit anything invalid unless they disable javascript and force it.
+ """
+ def validate_by(self, field):
+ if not
+ raise ValidationError("Needs at least one creator")
+ user_names =
+ users = []
+ # TODO: Could totally do a filter__in here instead of picking them out individually
+ for user_name in user_names:
+ user = User.get_by(name=user_name)
+ if not user:
+ raise ValidationError("Couldn't find user %s" % user_name)
+ users.append(user)
+ = users
class ArtController(BaseController):
def __before__(self, id=None):
def new(self):
""" New Art! """
+ c.form = ArtUploadForm()
return render("/art/new.mako")
# TODO: login required
def create(self):
- = Art(uploader=c.user, **request.params)
- = Discussion(count=0)
+ c.form = ArtUploadForm(request.params)
+ if c.form.validate():
- try:
- elixir.session.commit()
- redirect(url('show_art',
- except IntegrityError:
- # hurr, there must be a better way to do this but I am lazy right now
- hash =
- elixir.session.rollback()
- duplicate_art = Art.get_by(hash=hash)
- h.flash("We already have that one.")
- redirect(url('show_art',
+ = Art(uploader=c.user, **request.params)
+ = Discussion(count=0)
+ for artist in
+ UserRelation(user=artist, kind="by", creator=c.user,
+ file = request.params['file']
+ try:
+ elixir.session.commit()
+ redirect(url('show_art',
+ except IntegrityError:
+ # hurr, there must be a better way to do this but I am lazy right now
+ hash =
+ elixir.session.rollback()
+ duplicate_art = Art.get_by(hash=hash)
+ h.flash("We already have that one.")
+ redirect(url('show_art',
+ else:
+ ## TODO: JavaScript should be added to the upload form so that it is
+ ## impossible to submit the form when it contains any invalid users,
+ ## so this never happens. Only autocompled usernames should be allowed.
+ return render("/art/new.mako")
def show(self, id):
from sqlalchemy import and_
from floof.lib.base import BaseController, render
-from import Art
+from floof.model import Art
from floof.model.comments import Comment
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
--- /dev/null
+import logging
+from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, h, url
+from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
+from floof.lib.base import BaseController, render
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from floof.model import Art, UserRelation
+from floof.model.users import User
+import elixir
+# TODO!!! Implement adding a related user the same way that it works
+# on the "add new art" page
+class RelationController(BaseController):
+ def create(self, art_id, kind):
+ art = h.get_object_or_404(Art, id=art_id)
+ user = h.get_object_or_404(User, name=request.params['username'])
+ ## TODO: actually, this should act like a form validation.
+ prior_relation = UserRelation.get_by(art=art, user=user)
+ if prior_relation:
+ abort(404) ## should be a validation error
+ relation = UserRelation(user=user, kind=kind, art=art, creator=c.user)
+ elixir.session.commit()
+ redirect(url('show_art', id=art_id))
+ def index(self):
+ # Return a rendered template
+ #return render('/relation.mako')
+ # or, return a response
+ return 'Hello World'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from import Art, Tag, TagText
-from import SavedSearch, GalleryWidget
+from floof.model import Art, Tag, TagText
+from floof.model import SavedSearch, GalleryWidget
import elixir
class SearchController(BaseController):
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import elixir
-from import Art, Tag
+from floof.model import Art, Tag
class TagController(BaseController):
-from import Art, Tag, TagText
+from floof.model import Art, Tag, TagText
def do_search(query):
tags = query.split()
# # import other entities here, e.g.
# from import BlogEntry, BlogComment
-from floof.model import art, users, search
+from import *
+from floof.model.ratings import *
+from floof.model.comments import *
+from import *
+from floof.model.tags import *
+from floof.model.users import *
+from floof.model.relations import *
# Finally, call elixir to set up the tables.
# but not if using reflected tables
from floof.lib.dbhelpers import find_or_create, update_or_create
import floof.model.comments
+# Note: Art is the most important class. To keep its size down, and to better organize the source code,
+# other modules will mix into it automatically by adding to its __bases__.
class Art(Entity):
title = Field(Unicode(120))
original_filename = Field(Unicode(120))
tags = OneToMany('Tag')
discussion = ManyToOne('Discussion')
+ user_relations = OneToMany('UserRelation')
def set_file(self, file):
self.hash = save_file("art", file)
self.original_filename = file.filename
if self.hash:
return get_path("art", self.hash)
- def add_tags(self, tags, user):
- for text in tags.split():
- if text[0] == '-':
- # Nega-tags
- tagtext = TagText.get_by(text=text[1:])
- if tagtext:
- tag = Tag.get_by(art=self, tagger=user, tagtext=tagtext)
- if tag:
- elixir.session.delete(tag)
- else:
- if len(text) > 50:
- raise "Long Tag!" # can we handle this more gracefully?
- # sqlite seems happy to store strings much longer than the supplied limit...
- # elixir should really have its own find_or_create.
- tagtext = find_or_create(TagText, text=text)
- tag = find_or_create(Tag, art=self, tagger=user, tagtext=tagtext)
- def rate(self, score, user):
- return update_or_create(Rating, {"rater":user, "art":self}, {"score":score})
- def user_score(self, user):
- rating = Rating.get_by(rater=user, art=self)
- if rating:
- return rating.score
- return Rating.default
def __unicode__(self):
return self.get_path()
-class Tag(Entity):
- # look into how ondelete works. This just sets a database property.
- art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
- tagger = ManyToOne('User', ondelete='cascade')
- tagtext = ManyToOne('TagText')
- def __unicode__(self):
- if not self.tagtext:
- return "(broken)"
- return unicode(self.tagtext)
-class TagText(Entity):
- text = Field(Unicode(50)) # gotta enforce this somehow
- tags = OneToMany('Tag')
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.text
-class Rating(Entity):
- art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
- rater = ManyToOne('User', ondelete='cascade')
- score = Field(Integer)
- options = {-1:"sucks", 0:"undecided", 1:"good", 2:"great"}
- default = 0
-Rating.reverse_options = dict (zip(Rating.options.values(), Rating.options.keys()))
--- /dev/null
+from elixir import *
+from art import Art
+from floof.lib.dbhelpers import find_or_create, update_or_create
+class Rating(Entity):
+ art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
+ rater = ManyToOne('User', ondelete='cascade')
+ score = Field(Integer)
+ options = {-1:"sucks", 0:"undecided", 1:"good", 2:"great"}
+ default = 0
+Rating.reverse_options = dict (zip(Rating.options.values(), Rating.options.keys()))
+class RatingMixin(object):
+ def rate(self, score, user):
+ return update_or_create(Rating, {"rater":user, "art":self}, {"score":score})
+ def user_score(self, user):
+ rating = Rating.get_by(rater=user, art=self)
+ if rating:
+ return rating.score
+ return Rating.default
+Art.__bases__ += (RatingMixin,)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from elixir import *
+from art import Art
+class UserRelation(Entity):
+ user = ManyToOne("User")
+ art = ManyToOne("Art")
+ kind = Field(String) # by for of
+ creator = ManyToOne("User")
+ confirmed_by_related_user = Field(Boolean)
+ # it is useful to record which authority figure on a given artwork
+ # confirmed the validity of this relation.
+ confirmed_by_authority = ManyToOne("User")
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(UserRelation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ assert self.user and and self.kind and self.creator
+ if self.creator == self.user:
+ self.confirmed_by_related_user = True
+ # TODO: implement authorities
+ # if self.creator in
+ # self.confirmed_by_authority = self.creator
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return "%s: %s" % (self.kind, self.related_user)
+class RelationMixin(object):
+ def add_relation(creator, kind, user):
+ return UserRelation(art=self, creator=creator, kind=kind, user=user)
+Art.__bases__ += (RelationMixin,)
from elixir import *
# from users import User
-from import do_search
class SavedSearch(Entity):
string = Field(Unicode) # I tried calling this query, but it broke elixir
author = ManyToOne('User')
+ fork = ManyToOne("SavedSearch")
def __unicode__(self):
return self.string
def results(self):
+ # This caused some cyclic dependencies when I tried importing it
+ # at the module level. I wonder why that is...
+ from import do_search
return do_search(self.string)
--- /dev/null
+from elixir import *
+from art import Art
+from floof.lib.dbhelpers import find_or_create, update_or_create
+class Tag(Entity):
+ # look into how ondelete works. This just sets a database property.
+ art = ManyToOne('Art', ondelete='cascade')
+ tagger = ManyToOne('User', ondelete='cascade')
+ tagtext = ManyToOne('TagText')
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ if not self.tagtext:
+ return "(broken)"
+ return unicode(self.tagtext)
+class TagText(Entity):
+ text = Field(Unicode(50)) # gotta enforce this somehow
+ tags = OneToMany('Tag')
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.text
+class TagMixin(object):
+ def add_tags(self, tags, user):
+ for text in tags.split():
+ if text[0] == '-':
+ # Nega-tags
+ tagtext = TagText.get_by(text=text[1:])
+ if tagtext:
+ tag = Tag.get_by(art=self, tagger=user, tagtext=tagtext)
+ if tag:
+ elixir.session.delete(tag)
+ else:
+ if len(text) > 50:
+ raise "Long Tag!" # can we handle this more gracefully?
+ # sqlite seems happy to store strings much longer than the supplied limit...
+ # elixir should really have its own find_or_create.
+ tagtext = find_or_create(TagText, text=text)
+ tag = find_or_create(Tag, art=self, tagger=user, tagtext=tagtext)
+Art.__bases__ += (TagMixin, )
def __unicode__(self):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(User, self).__init__(**kwargs)
This is so that they can keep some nice themed pages lying around for special occasions.
Page templates that provide familiar interfaces will also be UserPage records. Users will
see a panel full of them, and they can choose to clone those template pages to their own page list.
- If more than one is set to visible, there would be tabs.
- """
+ If more than one is set to visible, there would be tabs. The primary page is indicated in the user model.
+ """
owner = ManyToOne('User', inverse="pages")
title = Field(String)
user = ManyToOne('User')
target_user = ManyToOne('User')
type = Field(Integer) # UserRelationshipTypes above
dl.form dt { padding-bottom: 0.25em; font-style: italic; }
dl.form dd { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
+.errors {color:red;}
/* Comments */
.comment {}
.comment .header { background: #d8d8d8; }
<h1>Add New Art</h1>
<p>Now: Upload a file. Later: Supply a link? Not exclusive to uploading.</p>
+## Todo: write some macros to make outputting form fields easier.
${h.form(h.url('create_art'), multipart=True)}
+##Artist: ${h.text('artist')}
${h.submit(None, 'Upload!')}
+<%def name="normal_field(field)">
+%if field.errors:
+<ul class="errors">
+%for error in field.errors:
<%inherit file="/base.mako" />
<%namespace name="comments" file="/comments/lib.mako" />
-<%! from import Rating %>
+<%! from floof.model import Rating %>
<h1>Viewing Art</h1>
% endif
+% for relation in
+<li>${relation.kind}: ${relation.user}
+% endfor
+<h2>Add Relations</h2>
+${h.form (h.url("create_relation", kind="by",}
+By: ${h.text('username')}
<img class="full" src="${}">
--- /dev/null
+from floof.tests import *
+class TestRelationController(TestController):
+ def test_index(self):
+ response ='relation', action='index'))
+ # Test response...