+import logging
+import elixir
+from pylons import config, request, response, session, tmpl_context as c
+from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect, redirect_to
+from floof.lib.base import BaseController, render
+from floof.model.art import Art
+from floof.model.comments import Comment
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def find_owner(owner_url):
+ """Returns whatever thing owns a group of comments."""
+ # Need to prepend a slash to make this an absolute URL
+ route = config['routes.map'].match('/' + owner_url)
+ if route['action'] not in ('show', 'view'):
+ abort(404)
+ if route['controller'] == 'art':
+ model = Art
+ else:
+ abort(404)
+ owner = model.query.get(route['id'])
+ if not owner:
+ abort(404)
+ return owner
+class CommentsController(BaseController):
+ def thread(self, owner_url):
+ """View a thread of comments, either attached to an item or starting
+ from a parent comment belonging to that item.
+ """
+ owner_object = find_owner(owner_url)
+ c.comments = owner_object.discussion.comments
+ return render('/comments/thread.mako')
+ def reply(self, owner_url):
+ """Reply to a comment or discussion."""
+ return render('/comments/reply.mako')
+ def reply_done(self, owner_url):
+ """Finish replying to a comment or discussion."""
+ # XXX form validation woo
+ new_comment = Comment(
+ text=request.params['text'],
+ user=c.user,
+ )
+ owner_object = find_owner(owner_url)
+ discussion = owner_object.discussion
+ discussion.comments.append(new_comment)
+ elixir.session.commit()
+ return redirect('/' + owner_url, code=301)