- Modifying these directly is not likely to be a good idea.
- """
- # n.b.: _language_class only exists for the sake of tests, which sometimes
- # want to create tables entirely separate from the pokedex metadata
- foreign_key_name = foreign_class.__singlename__ + '_id'
- # A foreign key "language_id" will clash with the language_id we naturally
- # put in every table. Rename it something else
- if foreign_key_name == 'language_id':
- # TODO change language_id below instead and rename this
- foreign_key_name = 'lang_id'
- Translations = type(_table_name, (object,), {
- '_language_identifier': association_proxy('language', 'identifier'),
- })
- # Create the table object
- table = Table(_table_name, foreign_class.__table__.metadata,
- Column(foreign_key_name, Integer, ForeignKey(foreign_class.id),
- primary_key=True, nullable=False),
- Column('language_id', Integer, ForeignKey(_language_class.id),
- primary_key=True, nullable=False),
- )
- # Add ye columns
- # Column objects have a _creation_order attribute in ascending order; use
- # this to get the (unordered) kwargs sorted correctly
- kwitems = kwargs.items()
- kwitems.sort(key=lambda kv: kv[1]._creation_order)
- for name, column in kwitems:
- column.name = name
- table.append_column(column)
- # Construct ye mapper
- mapper(Translations, table, properties={
- # TODO change to foreign_id
- 'object_id': synonym(foreign_key_name),
- # TODO change this as appropriate
- 'language': relation(_language_class,
- primaryjoin=table.c.language_id == _language_class.id,
- lazy='joined',
- innerjoin=True),
- # TODO does this need to join to the original table?
- })
- # Add full-table relations to the original class
- # Class.foo_bars
- setattr(foreign_class, _table_name, relation(Translations,
- primaryjoin=foreign_class.id == Translations.object_id,
- collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('language'),
- # TODO
- lazy='select',
- ))
- # Class.foo_bars_local
- # This is a bit clever; it uses bindparam() to make the join clause
- # modifiable on the fly. db sessions know the current language identifier
- # populates the bindparam.
- local_relation_name = _table_name + '_local'
- setattr(foreign_class, local_relation_name, relation(Translations,
- primaryjoin=and_(
- foreign_class.id == Translations.object_id,
- Translations._language_identifier ==
- bindparam('_default_language', required=True),
- ),
- uselist=False,
- lazy='select',
- ))
- # Add per-column proxies to the original class
- for name, column in kwitems:
- # Class.(column) -- accessor for the default language's value
- setattr(foreign_class, name,
- association_proxy(local_relation_name, name))
- # Class.(column)_map -- accessor for the language dict
- # Need a custom creator since Translations doesn't have an init, and
- # these are passed as *args anyway
- def creator(language, value):
- row = Translations()
- row.language = language
- setattr(row, name, value)
- return row
- setattr(foreign_class, name + '_map',
- association_proxy(_table_name, name, creator=creator))
- # Done
- return Translations
-def makeTextTable(foreign_table_class, table_suffix_plural, table_suffix_singular, columns, lazy, Language=Language):
- # With "Language", we'd have two language_id. So, rename one to 'lang'
- foreign_key_name = foreign_table_class.__singlename__
- if foreign_key_name == 'language':
- foreign_key_name = 'lang'
- table_name = foreign_table_class.__singlename__ + '_' + table_suffix_plural
- class TranslatedStringsTable(object):
- __tablename__ = table_name
- _attrname = table_suffix_plural
- _language_identifier = association_proxy('language', 'identifier')
- for column_name, column_name_plural, column in columns:
- column.name = column_name
- if not column.nullable:
- # A Python side default value, so that the strings can be set
- # one by one without the DB complaining about missing values
- column.default = ColumnDefault(u'')
- table = Table(table_name, foreign_table_class.__table__.metadata,
- Column(foreign_key_name + '_id', Integer, ForeignKey(foreign_table_class.id),
- primary_key=True, nullable=False),
- Column('language_id', Integer, ForeignKey(Language.id),
- primary_key=True, index=True, nullable=False),
- *(column for name, plural, column in columns)
- )
- mapper(TranslatedStringsTable, table,
- properties={
- "object_id": synonym(foreign_key_name + '_id'),
- "language": relation(Language,
- primaryjoin=table.c.language_id == Language.id,
- ),
- foreign_key_name: relation(foreign_table_class,
- primaryjoin=(foreign_table_class.id == table.c[foreign_key_name + "_id"]),
- backref=backref(table_suffix_plural,
- collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('_language_identifier'),
- lazy=lazy,
- ),
- ),
- },
- )
- # The relation to the object
- TranslatedStringsTable.object = getattr(TranslatedStringsTable, foreign_key_name)