short_effect = Column(markdown.MarkdownColumn(255), nullable=False,
info=dict(description="Short summary of this ability's effect", format='markdown'))
+class AbilityChangelog(TableBase):
+ """History of changes to abilities across main game versions."""
+ __tablename__ = 'ability_changelog'
+ ability_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False,
+ info=dict(description="The ID of the ability that changed"))
+ changed_in_version_group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False,
+ info=dict(description="The ID of the version group in which the ability changed"))
+ effect = Column(markdown.MarkdownColumn(255), nullable=False,
+ info=dict(description="A description of the old behavior", format='markdown'))
class AbilityFlavorText(TableBase):
u"""In-game flavor text of an ability
info=dict(description=u"Power of the move Fling when used with this item."))
fling_effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True,
info=dict(description=u"ID of the fling-effect of the move Fling when used with this item. Note that these are different from move effects."))
+ short_effect = Column(Unicode(256), nullable=False,
+ info=dict(description="A short summary of the effect", format='plaintext'))
effect = Column(markdown.MarkdownColumn(5120), nullable=False,
info=dict(description=u"Detailed English description of the item's effect.", format='markdown'))
__tablename__ = 'move_damage_classes'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False,
info=dict(description="A numeric ID"))
- name = Column(Unicode(8), nullable=False,
+ name = Column(Unicode(16), nullable=False,
info=dict(description="An English name of the class", format='plaintext'))
description = Column(Unicode(64), nullable=False,
info=dict(description="An English description of the class", format='plaintext'))
effect = Column(Unicode(5120), nullable=False,
info=dict(description="A detailed description of the effect", format='plaintext'))
+class MoveEffectChangelog(TableBase):
+ """History of changes to move effects across main game versions."""
+ __tablename__ = 'move_effect_changelog'
+ effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False,
+ info=dict(description="The ID of the effect that changed"))
+ changed_in_version_group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False,
+ info=dict(description="The ID of the version group in which the effect changed"))
+ effect = Column(markdown.MarkdownColumn(255), nullable=False,
+ info=dict(description="A description of the old behavior", format='markdown'))
class MoveFlag(TableBase):
u"""Maps a move flag to a move
info=dict(description="ID of the damage class (physical/special) of the move"))
effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False,
info=dict(description="ID of the move's effect"))
- effect_chance = Column(Integer,
+ effect_chance = Column(Integer, nullable=True,
info=dict(description="The chance for a secondary effect. What this is a chance of is specified by the move's effect."))
contest_type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True,
info=dict(description="ID of the move's Contest type (e.g. cool or smart)"))
info=dict(description="ID of the move that changed"))
changed_in_version_group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False,
info=dict(description="ID of the version group in which the move changed"))
+ type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True,
+ info=dict(description="Prior type of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
power = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
info=dict(description="Prior base power of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
pp = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
info=dict(description="Prior base PP of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
accuracy = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
info=dict(description="Prior accuracy of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
+ effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True,
+ info=dict(description="Prior ID of the effect, or NULL if unchanged"))
+ effect_chance = Column(Integer, nullable=True,
+ info=dict(description="Prior effect chance, or NULL if unchanged"))
class Nature(TableBase):
u"""A nature a pokémon can have, such as Calm or Brave
description = Column(Unicode(512),
info=dict(description=u"A longer description of the pokédex", format='plaintext'))
-class PokedexVersionGroup(TableBase):
- u"""Maps a pokédex to the version group that uses it
- """
- __tablename__ = 'pokedex_version_groups'
- pokedex_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False,
- info=dict(description=u"ID of the pokédex"))
- version_group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False,
- info=dict(description=u"ID of the version group"))
class Pokemon(TableBase):
u"""A species of Pokémon. The core to this whole mess.
info=dict(description=u"A numeric ID"))
generation_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False,
info=dict(description=u"ID of the generation the games of this group belong to"))
+ pokedex_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False,
+ info=dict(description=u"ID of the regional Pokédex used in this version group."))
class VersionGroupRegion(TableBase):
u"""Maps a region to a game version group that features it
info=dict(description=u"ID of the region"))
class Version(TableBase):
- u"""A version of a mainline pokémon game
+ u"""An individual main-series Pokémon game
__tablename__ = 'versions'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False,
- info=dict(description=u"A numeric ID"))
+ info=dict(description=u"A unique ID for this version"))
version_group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False,
- info=dict(description=u"ID of the version group this game belongs to"))
+ info=dict(description=u"The ID of the version group this game belongs to"))
name = Column(Unicode(32), nullable=False,
info=dict(description=u'The English name of the game, without the "Pokémon" prefix', official=True, format='plaintext'))
### Relations down here, to avoid ordering problems
+Ability.changelog = relation(AbilityChangelog,
+ order_by=AbilityChangelog.changed_in_version_group_id.desc(),
+ backref='ability',
Ability.flavor_text = relation(AbilityFlavorText, order_by=AbilityFlavorText.version_group_id, backref='ability')
Ability.foreign_names = relation(AbilityName, backref='ability')
Ability.generation = relation(Generation, backref='abilities')
+Ability.all_pokemon = relation(Pokemon,
+ secondary=PokemonAbility.__table__,
+ back_populates='all_abilities',
Ability.pokemon = relation(Pokemon,
+ primaryjoin=and_(
+ PokemonAbility.ability_id ==,
+ PokemonAbility.is_dream == False
+ ),
+ back_populates='abilities',
+Ability.dream_pokemon = relation(Pokemon,
+ secondary=PokemonAbility.__table__,
+ primaryjoin=and_(
+ PokemonAbility.ability_id ==,
+ PokemonAbility.is_dream == True
+ ),
+ back_populates='dream_ability',
+AbilityChangelog.changed_in = relation(VersionGroup, backref='ability_changelog')
AbilityFlavorText.version_group = relation(VersionGroup)
AbilityName.language = relation(Language)
Machine.version_group = relation(VersionGroup)
Move.changelog = relation(MoveChangelog,
- order_by=MoveChangelog.changed_in_version_group_id.asc(),
+ order_by=MoveChangelog.changed_in_version_group_id.desc(),
Move.contest_effect = relation(ContestEffect, backref='moves')
Move.short_effect = markdown.MoveEffectProperty('short_effect')
MoveChangelog.changed_in = relation(VersionGroup, backref='move_changelog')
+MoveChangelog.move_effect = relation(MoveEffect, backref='move_changelog')
+MoveChangelog.type = relation(Type, backref='move_changelog')
+MoveChangelog.effect = markdown.MoveEffectProperty('effect')
+MoveChangelog.short_effect = markdown.MoveEffectProperty('short_effect')
MoveEffect.category_map = relation(MoveEffectCategoryMap)
MoveEffect.categories = association_proxy('category_map', 'category')
NaturePokeathlonStat.pokeathlon_stat = relation(PokeathlonStat, backref='nature_effects')
Pokedex.region = relation(Region, backref='pokedexes')
-Pokedex.version_groups = relation(VersionGroup, secondary=PokedexVersionGroup.__table__, backref='pokedexes')
+Pokedex.version_groups = relation(VersionGroup,, back_populates='pokedex')
Pokemon.all_abilities = relation(Ability,
PokemonMove.move = relation(Move, backref='pokemon_moves')
PokemonMove.method = relation(PokemonMoveMethod)
-PokemonName.language = relation(Language)
+PokemonName.language = relation(Language, lazy='joined')
PokemonStat.stat = relation(Stat)
TypeName.language = relation(Language)
-Version.version_group = relation(VersionGroup, backref='versions')
+Version.version_group = relation(VersionGroup, back_populates='versions')
Version.generation = association_proxy('version_group', 'generation')
+VersionGroup.versions = relation(Version,, back_populates='version_group')
VersionGroup.generation = relation(Generation, backref='version_groups')
VersionGroup.version_group_regions = relation(VersionGroupRegion, backref='version_group')
VersionGroup.regions = association_proxy('version_group_regions', 'region')
+VersionGroup.pokedex = relation(Pokedex, back_populates='version_groups')