-This ability stacks if two allied Pokémon have it.",Damages [sleeping]{mechanic} opponents for 1/8 their max [HP]{mechanic} after each turn.
-124,wicked trick,5,"Whenever a move makes contact with this Pokémon, it steals the attacker's held item.",Steals attacking Pokémon's held item on contact.
-125,brute force,5,Strong attacks are more powerful. (?),Strong attacks are more powerful. (?)
-126,antagonist,5,Stat changes are inverted for this Pokémon.,Stat changes are inverted.
-127,tension,5,Opposing Pokémon will not automatically eat held Berries. (?),Opposing Pokémon can't eat their Berries. (?)
-128,competitive spirit,5,Not yet known. [[ability 128]],Not yet known. [[ability 128]]
-129,faint-hearted,5,"When this Pokémon has less than half its max HP, opposing Pokémon's stats are lower. (?)",Lowers opposing Pokémon's stats when HP is less than half. (?)
-130,cursed body,5,Not yet known. [[ability 130]],Not yet known. [[ability 130]]
-131,healing heart,5,Occasionally cures friendly Pokémon's major status ailments. (?),Cures allies' major status ailments. (?)
-132,friend guard,5,Takes less damage from allies. (?),Takes less damage from allies. (?)
-133,fragile armor,5,Every physical move that hits this Pokémon lowers its Attack and raises its Speed. (?),Physical hits lower Attack and raise Speed.
-134,heavy metal,5,This Pokémon has double the usual weight for its species.,Weighs twice normal.
-135,light metal,5,This Pokémon has half the usual weight for its species.,Weighs half normal.
-136,multi-scale,5,Takes less damage with full HP. (?),Takes less damage with full HP. (?)
-137,poison rampage,5,This Pokémon inflicts more damage when poisoned.,Power increases when poisoned.
-138,heat rampage,5,This Pokémon inflicts more damage when burned.,Power increases when burned.
-139,harvest,5,Held berry is reusable. (?),Held berry is reusable. (?)
-140,telepathy,5,Not yet known. [[ability 140]],Not yet known. [[ability 140]]
-141,sudden impulse,5,"When this Pokémon enters the field, one of its stats raises by one stage, and one of its stats lowers by one stage.",One stat is raised and one stat is lowered.
-142,dustproof,5,This Pokémon takes no damage from weather.,Takes no damage from weather.
-143,poisoned drink,5,Poisons attacking Pokémon on contact.,Poisons attacking Pokémon on contact.
-144,regeneration,5,Recovers a little HP when switched out. (?),Recovers a little HP when switched out. (?)
+This ability stacks if two allied Pokémon have it.",Damages [sleeping]{mechanic:sleep} opponents for 1/8 their max [HP]{mechanic} after each turn.
+124,wicked trick,5,"Whenever a move makes contact with this Pokémon, it steals the attacker's held item if it does not already have an item.
+This Pokémon cannot steal upon being knocked out. It can steal if the attacker has a [Substitute]{move}, but cannot steal when its own Substitute is hit.",Steals attacking Pokémon's held item on contact.
+125,brute force,5,This Pokémon's moves with an [effect chance]{mechanic} have their power multipled by 1.3 but their effect chance is reduced to 0.,"Moves have greater power, but secondary effects never occur."
+126,antagonist,5,Stat modifiers are inverted for this Pokémon.,Inverts stat modifiers.
+127,tension,5,Opposing Pokémon will not automatically eat held Berries.,Opposing Pokémon can't eat their Berries.
+128,competitive spirit,5,"When any of this Pokémon's stats are [lowered]{mechanic:stat modifier}, its [Attack]{mechanic} rises by two stages.",Raises [Attack]{mechanic} two [stages]{mechanic:stat modifier} upon having any stat lowered.
+129,faint-hearted,5,This Pokémon's [Attack]{mechanic} and [Special Attack]{mechanic} are halved when it has less than half its [HP]{mechanic}.,Halves [Attack]{mechanic} and [Special Attack]{mechanic} below 50% [HP]{mechanic}.
+130,cursed body,5,Moves that hit this Pokémon have a 30% chance of being [Disabled]{move:Disable}.,Has a 30% chance of [Disabling]{move:Disable} any move that hits the Pokémon.
+131,healing heart,5,Friendly Pokémon next to this Pokémon in double and triple battles each have a 30% chance of being cured of any [major status ailment]{mechanic} after each turn.,Has a 30% chance of curing each adjacent ally of any [major status ailment]{mechanic} after each turn.
+132,friend guard,5,This Pokémon's moves inflict less damage on friendly Pokémon.,Inflicts less damage on friendly Pokémon.
+133,fragile armor,5,"Whenever any move hits this Pokémon, its [Speed]{mechanic} rises one stage and its [Defense]{mechanic} falls one stage.
+This ability triggers on every hit of a multiple-hit move.",Raises [Speed]{mechanic} and lowers [Defense]{mechanic} by one stage upon being hit by any move.
+134,heavy metal,5,This Pokémon has double the usual weight for its species.,Doubles the Pokémon's weight.
+135,light metal,5,This Pokémon has half the usual weight for its species.,Halves the Pokémon's weight.
+136,multi-scale,5,This Pokémon takes half as much damage when it is hit having full [HP]{mechanic}.,Halves damage taken from full [HP]{mechanic}.
+137,poison rampage,5,This Pokémon has 1.5× its [Attack]{mechanic} when [poisoned]{mechanic:poison}.,Increases [Attack]{mechanic} to 1.5× when [poisoned]{mechanic:poison}.
+138,heat rampage,5,This Pokémon has 1.5× its [Special Attack]{mechanic} when [burned]{mechanic:burn}.,Increases [Special Attack]{mechanic} to 1.5× when [burned]{mechanic:burn}.
+139,harvest,5,"If this Pokémon consumed a berry either through [Natural Gift]{move} or by meeting the requirements to eat it, the berry will be restored at the end of the turn. While the Pokémon may consume the berry again that turn, the berry will not be regenerated until the end of the next turn.",Held berry is reusable.
+140,telepathy,5,"This Pokémon does not take damage from friendly Pokémon's moves, including single-targed moves aimed at it.",Protects against damaging moves from friendly Pokémon.
+141,sudden impulse,5,"After each turn, one of this Pokémon's stats rises two [stages]{mechanic:stat modifier}, and another falls one stage.",Raises one stat two [stages]{mechanic:stat modifier} and lowers another one stage after each turn.
+142,dustproof,5,This Pokémon does not take damage from [weather]{mechanic}.,Protects against damage from [weather]{mechanic}.
+143,poisoned drink,5,This Pokémon's contact moves have a 20% chance of [poisoning]{mechanic:poison} the target.,Has a 20% chance of [poisoning]{mechanic:poison} the target upon hitting it with a contact move.
+144,regeneration,5,This Pokémon regains 1/3 of its maximum [HP]{mechanic} upon leaving battle.,Heals for 1/3 max [HP]{mechanic} upon leaving battle.