from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from pokedex.db import tables, markdown
-from pokedex.db.multilang import create_translation_table
+from pokedex.db.multilang import MultilangScopedSession, MultilangSession, \
+ create_translation_table
def test_variable_names():
"""We want pokedex.db.tables to export tables using the class name"""
name = Column(String(100)),
- class FauxSession(Session):
- def execute(self, clause, params=None, *args, **kwargs):
- if not params:
- params = {}
- params.setdefault('_default_language', 'en')
- return super(FauxSession, self).execute(clause, params, *args, **kwargs)
# OK, create all the tables and gimme a session
- sess = sessionmaker(engine, class_=FauxSession)()
+ sm = sessionmaker(class_=MultilangSession)
+ sess = MultilangScopedSession(sm)
# Create some languages and foos to bind together
lang_en = Language(identifier='en')
# Commit so the above get primary keys filled in
+ sess.default_language =
# Give our foo some names, as directly as possible
foo_text = FooText()