24,3,0,Temporarily stops the crowd from getting excited.,Prevents the Applause Meter from rising for the rest of the turn.
25,1,0,The appeal's quality depends on its timing.,"Randomly earns one, two, four, or eight points."
26,1,0,The appeal works better the later it is performed.,"If user appeals first this turn, earns one point; if second, two points; if third, four points; if last, six points."
24,3,0,Temporarily stops the crowd from getting excited.,Prevents the Applause Meter from rising for the rest of the turn.
25,1,0,The appeal's quality depends on its timing.,"Randomly earns one, two, four, or eight points."
26,1,0,The appeal works better the later it is performed.,"If user appeals first this turn, earns one point; if second, two points; if third, four points; if last, six points."