+ ### Delicious data
+ @property
+ def is_shiny(self):
+ u"""Returns true iff this Pokémon is shiny."""
+ # See http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Personality#Shininess
+ # But don't see it too much, because the above is super over
+ # complicated. Do this instead!
+ personality_msdw = self.structure.personality >> 16
+ personality_lsdw = self.structure.personality & 0xffff
+ return (
+ self.structure.original_trainer_id
+ ^ self.structure.original_trainer_secret_id
+ ^ personality_msdw
+ ^ personality_lsdw
+ ) < 8
+ def use_database_session(self, session):
+ """Remembers the given database session, and prefetches a bunch of
+ database stuff. Gotta call this before you use the database properties
+ like `species`, etc.
+ """
+ self._session = session
+ st = self.structure
+ self._pokemon = session.query(tables.Pokemon).get(st.national_id)
+ self._pokemon_form = session.query(tables.PokemonForm) \
+ .with_parent(self._pokemon) \
+ .filter_by(name=st.alternate_form) \
+ .one()
+ self._ability = self._session.query(tables.Ability).get(st.ability_id)
+ growth_rate = self._pokemon.evolution_chain.growth_rate
+ self._experience_rung = session.query(tables.Experience) \
+ .filter(tables.Experience.growth_rate == growth_rate) \
+ .filter(tables.Experience.experience <= st.exp) \
+ .order_by(tables.Experience.level.desc()) \
+ [0]
+ level = self._experience_rung.level
+ self._next_experience_rung = None
+ if level < 100:
+ self._next_experience_rung = session.query(tables.Experience) \
+ .filter(tables.Experience.growth_rate == growth_rate) \
+ .filter(tables.Experience.level == level + 1) \
+ .one()
+ self._held_item = None
+ if st.held_item_id:
+ self._held_item = session.query(tables.ItemInternalID) \
+ .filter_by(generation_id = 4, internal_id = st.held_item_id).one().item
+ self._stats = []
+ for pokemon_stat in self._pokemon.stats:
+ structure_name = pokemon_stat.stat.name.lower().replace(' ', '_')
+ gene = st.ivs['iv_' + structure_name]
+ exp = st['effort_' + structure_name]
+ if pokemon_stat.stat.name == u'HP':
+ calc = calculated_hp
+ else:
+ calc = calculated_stat
+ stat_tup = self.Stat(
+ stat = pokemon_stat.stat,
+ base = pokemon_stat.base_stat,
+ gene = gene,
+ exp = exp,
+ calc = calc(
+ pokemon_stat.base_stat,
+ level = level,
+ iv = gene,
+ effort = exp,
+ ),
+ )
+ self._stats.append(stat_tup)
+ move_ids = (
+ self.structure.move1_id,
+ self.structure.move2_id,
+ self.structure.move3_id,
+ self.structure.move4_id,
+ )
+ move_rows = self._session.query(tables.Move).filter(tables.Move.id.in_(move_ids))
+ moves_dict = dict((move.id, move) for move in move_rows)
+ self._moves = [moves_dict.get(move_id, None) for move_id in move_ids]
+ if st.hgss_pokeball >= 17:
+ pokeball_id = st.hgss_pokeball - 17 + 492
+ else:
+ pokeball_id = st.dppt_pokeball
+ self._pokeball = session.query(tables.ItemInternalID) \
+ .filter_by(generation_id = 4, internal_id = pokeball_id).one().item
+ egg_loc_id = st.pt_egg_location_id or st.dp_egg_location_id
+ met_loc_id = st.pt_met_location_id or st.dp_met_location_id
+ self._egg_location = None
+ if egg_loc_id:
+ self._egg_location = session.query(tables.LocationInternalID) \
+ .filter_by(generation_id = 4, internal_id = egg_loc_id).one().location
+ self._met_location = session.query(tables.LocationInternalID) \
+ .filter_by(generation_id = 4, internal_id = met_loc_id).one().location
+ @property
+ def species(self):
+ # XXX forme!
+ return self._pokemon
+ @property
+ def species_form(self):
+ return self._pokemon_form
+ @property
+ def pokeball(self):
+ return self._pokeball
+ @property
+ def egg_location(self):
+ return self._egg_location
+ @property
+ def met_location(self):
+ return self._met_location
+ @property
+ def shiny_leaves(self):
+ return (
+ self.structure.shining_leaves.leaf1,
+ self.structure.shining_leaves.leaf2,
+ self.structure.shining_leaves.leaf3,
+ self.structure.shining_leaves.leaf4,
+ self.structure.shining_leaves.leaf5,
+ )
+ @property
+ def level(self):
+ return self._experience_rung.level
+ @property
+ def exp_to_next(self):
+ if self._next_experience_rung:
+ return self._next_experience_rung.experience - self.structure.exp
+ else:
+ return 0
+ @property
+ def progress_to_next(self):
+ if self._next_experience_rung:
+ return 1.0 \
+ * (self.structure.exp - self._experience_rung.experience) \
+ / (self._next_experience_rung.experience - self._experience_rung.experience)
+ else:
+ return 0.0
+ @property
+ def ability(self):
+ return self._ability
+ @property
+ def held_item(self):
+ return self._held_item
+ @property
+ def stats(self):
+ return self._stats
+ @property
+ def moves(self):
+ return self._moves
+ @property
+ def move_pp(self):
+ return (
+ self.structure.move1_pp,
+ self.structure.move2_pp,
+ self.structure.move3_pp,
+ self.structure.move4_pp,
+ )