181,Randomly selects and uses one of the trainer's other Pokémon's moves.,"Uses a move from another Pokémon in the user's party, both selected at random. Moves from fainted Pokémon can be used. If there are no eligible Pokémon or moves, this move will fail.
This move will not select [Assist]{move}, [Chatter]{move}, [Copycat]{move}, [Counter]{move}, [Covet]{move}, [Destiny Bond]{move}, [Detect]{move}, [dragon tail]{move}, [Endure]{move}, [fast guard]{move}, [Feint]{move}, [Focus Punch]{move}, [Follow Me]{move}, [Helping Hand]{move}, [Me First]{move}, [Metronome]{move}, [Mimic]{move}, [Mirror Coat]{move}, [Mirror Move]{move}, [overhead toss]{move}, [Protect]{move}, [Sketch]{move}, [Sleep Talk]{move}, [Snatch]{move}, [Struggle]{move}, [Switcheroo]{move}, [Thief]{move}, [Trick]{move}, or [wide guard]{move}.
181,Randomly selects and uses one of the trainer's other Pokémon's moves.,"Uses a move from another Pokémon in the user's party, both selected at random. Moves from fainted Pokémon can be used. If there are no eligible Pokémon or moves, this move will fail.
This move will not select [Assist]{move}, [Chatter]{move}, [Copycat]{move}, [Counter]{move}, [Covet]{move}, [Destiny Bond]{move}, [Detect]{move}, [dragon tail]{move}, [Endure]{move}, [fast guard]{move}, [Feint]{move}, [Focus Punch]{move}, [Follow Me]{move}, [Helping Hand]{move}, [Me First]{move}, [Metronome]{move}, [Mimic]{move}, [Mirror Coat]{move}, [Mirror Move]{move}, [overhead toss]{move}, [Protect]{move}, [Sketch]{move}, [Sleep Talk]{move}, [Snatch]{move}, [Struggle]{move}, [Switcheroo]{move}, [Thief]{move}, [Trick]{move}, or [wide guard]{move}.