from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relation
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import AttributeExtension
-from sqlalchemy.sql import and_
+from sqlalchemy.sql import and_, or_
from sqlalchemy.schema import ColumnDefault
from sqlalchemy.types import *
short_effect = Column(Unicode(256), nullable=True,
info=dict(description="A short summary of the effect", format='plaintext')),
effect = Column(Unicode(5120), nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="A detailed description of the effect", format='plaintext')),
+ info=dict(description="A detailed description of the effect", format='markdown')),
class MoveEffectChangelog(TableBase):
info=dict(description=u'The order in which forms should be sorted. Multiple forms may have equal order, in which case they should fall back on sorting by name.'))
- def pokemon(self):
- u"""Returns the Pokémon for this form, using the form base as fallback.
- """
- return self.unique_pokemon or self.form_base_pokemon
- @property
def full_name(self):
u"""Returns the full name of this form, e.g. "Plant Cloak"."""
PokemonForm.unique_pokemon = relation(Pokemon,,
backref=backref('unique_form', uselist=False))
+PokemonForm.pokemon = relation(Pokemon,
+ primaryjoin=or_(
+ and_(PokemonForm.unique_pokemon_id==None,
+ ), uselist=False)
PokemonForm.version_group = relation(VersionGroup,
PokemonForm.form_group = association_proxy('form_base_pokemon', 'form_group')