The male and female will take turns
patrolling around their nest and eggs.\fThe guarding of eggs by these POKéMON
goes on for over a month."
-119,9,"It punches holes in boulders on stream-
+119,9,"It punches holes in boulders on stream
beds. This is a clever innovation that
prevents its eggs from being attacked or
washed away by the current."
kindly people to scatter a glowing
down called “joy dust.”"
176,14,"To share its happiness, it flies
-around the world seeking kind-
+around the world seeking kind
hearted people."
176,15,"They say that it will appear before
kindhearted, caring people and
493,16,"According to the legends of Sinnoh, this
Pokémon emerged from an egg and
shaped all there is in this world."
+517,17,any dream munna eats is completely forgotten. it's always floating in the air.