+from pokedex.roomaji import romanize
+__all__ = ['open_index', 'lookup', 'random_lookup']
+# Dictionary of table name => table class.
+# Need the table name so we can get the class from the table name after we
+# retrieve something from the index
+indexed_tables = {}
+for cls in [
+ tables.Ability,
+ tables.Item,
+ tables.Move,
+ tables.Pokemon,
+ tables.Type,
+ ]:
+ indexed_tables[cls.__tablename__] = cls
+def open_index(directory=None, session=None, recreate=False):
+ """Opens the whoosh index stored in the named directory and returns (index,
+ speller). If the index doesn't already exist, it will be created.
+ `directory`
+ Directory containing the index. Defaults to a location within the
+ `pokedex` egg directory.
+ `session`
+ If the index needs to be created, this database session will be used.
+ Defaults to an attempt to connect to the default SQLite database
+ installed by `pokedex setup`.
+ `recreate`
+ If set to True, the whoosh index will be created even if it already
+ exists.
+ """
+ # Defaults
+ if not directory:
+ directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pokedex',
+ 'data/whoosh-index')
+ if not session:
+ session = connect()
+ # Attempt to open or create the index
+ directory_exists = os.path.exists(directory)
+ if directory_exists and not recreate:
+ # Already exists; should be an index!
+ try:
+ index = whoosh.index.open_dir(directory, indexname='MAIN')
+ spell_store = whoosh.filedb.filestore.FileStorage(directory)
+ speller = whoosh.spelling.SpellChecker(spell_store)
+ return index, speller
+ except whoosh.index.EmptyIndexError as e:
+ # Apparently not a real index. Fall out of the if and create it
+ pass
+ # Delete and start over if we're going to bail anyway.
+ if directory_exists and recreate:
+ # Be safe and only delete if it looks like a whoosh index, i.e.,
+ # everything starts with _
+ if all(f[0] == '_' for f in os.listdir(directory)):
+ shutil.rmtree(directory)
+ directory_exists = False
+ if not directory_exists:
+ os.mkdir(directory)
+ ### Create index
+ schema = whoosh.fields.Schema(
+ name=whoosh.fields.ID(stored=True),
+ table=whoosh.fields.ID(stored=True),
+ row_id=whoosh.fields.ID(stored=True),
+ language=whoosh.fields.STORED,
+ display_name=whoosh.fields.STORED, # non-lowercased name
+ forme_name=whoosh.fields.ID,
+ )
+ index = whoosh.index.create_in(directory, schema=schema, indexname='MAIN')
+ writer = index.writer()
+ # Index every name in all our tables of interest
+ # speller_entries becomes a list of (word, score) tuples; the score is 2
+ # for English names, 1.5 for Roomaji, and 1 for everything else. I think
+ # this biases the results in the direction most people expect, especially
+ # when e.g. German names are very similar to English names
+ speller_entries = []
+ for cls in indexed_tables.values():
+ q = session.query(cls)
+ for row in q.yield_per(5):
+ # XXX need to give forme_name a dummy value because I can't search
+ # for explicitly empty fields. boo.
+ row_key = dict(table=unicode(cls.__tablename__),
+ row_id=unicode(row.id),
+ forme_name=u'XXX')
+ def add(name, language, score):
+ writer.add_document(name=name.lower(), display_name=name,
+ language=language,
+ **row_key)
+ speller_entries.append((name.lower(), score))
+ # If this is a form, mark it as such
+ if getattr(row, 'forme_base_pokemon_id', None):
+ row_key['forme_name'] = row.forme_name
+ name = row.name
+ add(name, None, 1)
+ # Pokemon also get other languages
+ for foreign_name in getattr(row, 'foreign_names', []):
+ moonspeak = foreign_name.name
+ if name == moonspeak:
+ # Don't add the English name again as a different language;
+ # no point and it makes spell results confusing
+ continue
+ add(moonspeak, foreign_name.language.name, 3)
+ # Add Roomaji too
+ if foreign_name.language.name == 'Japanese':
+ roomaji = romanize(foreign_name.name)
+ add(roomaji, u'Roomaji', 8)
+ writer.commit()
+ # Construct and populate a spell-checker index. Quicker to do it all
+ # at once, as every call to add_* does a commit(), and those seem to be
+ # expensive
+ speller = whoosh.spelling.SpellChecker(index.storage)
+ speller.add_scored_words(speller_entries)
+ return index, speller
+class LanguageWeighting(whoosh.scoring.Weighting):
+ """A scoring class that forces otherwise-equal English results to come
+ before foreign results.
+ """
+ def score(self, searcher, fieldnum, text, docnum, weight, QTF=1):
+ doc = searcher.stored_fields(docnum)
+ if doc['language'] == None:
+ # English (well, "default"); leave it at 1
+ return weight
+ elif doc['language'] == u'Roomaji':
+ # Give Roomaji a bit of a boost, as it's most likely to be searched
+ return weight * 0.95
+ else:
+ # Everything else can drop down the totem pole
+ return weight * 0.9
+rx_is_number = re.compile('^\d+$')
+LookupResult = namedtuple('LookupResult',
+ ['object', 'name', 'language', 'exact'])