-28,11,Passes back toxic [poison]{mechanic} as regular poison.
-31,8,"Does not absorb non-damaging [Electric]{type} moves, i.e. [Thunder Wave]{move}."
-31,11,Grants no [Electric]{type} immunity or [Special Attack]{mechanic} boosts.
+25,11,[Fire Fang]{move} and moves that inflict [typeless damage]{mechanic} ignore this ability regardless of type.
+28,6,Has no overworld effect.
+28,8,Cannot influence the natures of Pokémon encountered by interacting with them on the overworld.
+28,11,Passes back bad [poison]{mechanic} as regular poison.
+31,6,Has no overworld effect.
+31,8,"Does not affect non-damaging [Electric]{type} moves, i.e. [Thunder Wave]{move}. Increases the frequency of Match Call calls on the overworld if any party Pokémon has this ability."
+31,11,Redirects [Electric]{type} moves without negating them or granting any [Special Attack]{mechanic} boost. Does not redirect [Hidden Power]{move}.
+40,6,Has no overworld effect.
+42,6,Has no overworld effect.
+43,11,"Prevents [Heal Bell]{move} from curing the Pokémon, whether or not it is in battle."
+46,6,Has no overworld effect.
+46,8,Does not affect friendly Pokémon's moves that target all other Pokémon. This ability's presence is not announced upon entering battle.
+49,6,Has no overworld effect.
+51,6,Has no overworld effect.
+52,6,Has no overworld effect.
+52,8,Doubles [Cut]{move}'s grass-cutting radius on the overworld if any party Pokémon has this ability.