-* :move:`Bullet Punch`
-* :move:`Comet Punch`
-* :move:`Dizzy Punch`
-* :move:`Drain Punch`
-* :move:`DynamicPunch`
-* :move:`Fire Punch`
-* :move:`Focus Punch`
-* :move:`Hammer Arm`
-* :move:`Ice Punch`
-* :move:`Mach Punch`
-* :move:`Mega Punch`
-* :move:`Meteor Mash`
-* :move:`Shadow Punch`
-* :move:`Sky Uppercut`
-* :move:`ThunderPunch`
-:move:`Sucker Punch` is unaffected, as its original, Japanese name only means ""surprise attack"".",Heightens punch-based moves' power to 1.2×.
-90,Poison Heal,4,"If this Pokémon is :mechanic:`poisoned` or :mechanic:`badly poisoned`, it will heal for 1/8 of its maximum :mechanic:`HP` after each turn rather than taking damage.
-Poison will still damage this Pokémon as usual out of battle.",Heals for 1/8 max :mechanic:`HP` after each turn when :mechanic:`poisoned` in place of damage.
-91,Adaptability,4,"This Pokémon inflicts twice as much damage with moves whose types match its own, rather than the usual :mechanic:`same-type attack bonus` of 1.5×.",Heightens the :mechanic:`same-type attack bonus` from 1.5× to 2×.
-92,Skill Link,4,"This Pokémon always hits five times with two-to-five-hit moves, such as :move:`Icicle Spear`.
-Other multiple-hit moves, such as :move:`Triple Kick`, are unaffected.",Always extends two-to-five-hit moves to a full five hits.
-93,Hydration,4,This Pokémon is cured of any :mechanic:`major status ailment` after each turn during :mechanic:`rain`.,Cures any :mechanic:`major status ailment` after each turn during :mechanic:`rain`.
-94,Solar Power,4,"During :mechanic:`strong sunlight`, this Pokémon has 1.5× its :mechanic:`Special Attack` but takes 1/8 of its maximum :mechanic:`HP` in damage after each turn.",Heightens :mechanic:`Special Attack` to 1.5× and causes 1/8 max :mechanic:`HP` in damage after each turn during :mechanic:`strong sunlight`.
-95,Quick Feet,4,"Whenever this Pokémon has a :mechanic:`major status ailment`, it has 1.5× its :mechanic:`Speed`. This Pokémon is not affected by the usual Speed cut from :mechanic:`paralysis`.
-Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, the wild encounter rate is decreased.",Heightens :mechanic:`Speed` to 1.5× with a :mechanic:`major status ailment`.
-96,Normalize,4,"This Pokémon's moves all act as if they were :type:`Normal`\ -type.
-Moves that inflict :mechanic:`typeless damage` do so as usual. Moves of variable type, such as :move:`Hidden Power` and :move:`Judgement`, are affected, but otherwise work as usual; for example, :move:`Weather Ball` has doubled power and looks different during :mechanic:`weather`, but is always Normal.
-A :move:`Will-O-Wisp` turned Normal by this ability can affect :type:`Ghost`\ -type Pokémon, despite otherwise acting like a Normal move. (This is specific to Will-O-Wisp; other status moves do not have this quirk.)",Makes the Pokémon's moves all act as :type:`Normal` moves.
-97,Sniper,4,"This Pokémon inflicts triple damage with :mechanic:`critical hits`, rather than the usual doubled damage.",Heightens :mechanic:`critical hit` damage from 2× to 3×.
+* [Bullet Punch]{move}
+* [Comet Punch]{move}
+* [Dizzy Punch]{move}
+* [Drain Punch]{move}
+* [DynamicPunch]{move}
+* [Fire Punch]{move}
+* [Focus Punch]{move}
+* [Hammer Arm]{move}
+* [Ice Punch]{move}
+* [Mach Punch]{move}
+* [Mega Punch]{move}
+* [Meteor Mash]{move}
+* [Shadow Punch]{move}
+* [Sky Uppercut]{move}
+* [ThunderPunch]{move}
+[Sucker Punch]{move} is unaffected, as its original, Japanese name only means ""surprise attack"".",Strengthens punch-based moves to 1.2× their power.
+90,Poison Heal,4,"If this Pokémon is [poisoned]{mechanic} or [badly poisoned]{mechanic}, it will heal for 1/8 of its maximum [HP]{mechanic} after each turn rather than taking damage.
+Poison will still damage this Pokémon as usual out of battle.",Heals for 1/8 max [HP]{mechanic} after each turn when [poisoned]{mechanic} in place of damage.
+91,Adaptability,4,"This Pokémon inflicts twice as much damage with moves whose types match its own, rather than the usual [same-type attack bonus]{mechanic} of 1.5×.",Heightens the [same-type attack bonus]{mechanic} from 1.5× to 2×.
+92,Skill Link,4,"This Pokémon always hits five times with two-to-five-hit moves, such as [Icicle Spear]{move}.
+Other multiple-hit moves, such as [Triple Kick]{move}, are unaffected.",Extends two-to-five-hit moves to a full five hits every time.
+93,Hydration,4,This Pokémon is cured of any [major status ailment]{mechanic} after each turn during [rain]{mechanic}.,Cures any [major status ailment]{mechanic} after each turn during [rain]{mechanic}.
+94,Solar Power,4,"During [strong sunlight]{mechanic}, this Pokémon has 1.5× its [Special Attack]{mechanic} but takes 1/8 of its maximum [HP]{mechanic} in damage after each turn.",Heightens [Special Attack]{mechanic} to 1.5× and causes 1/8 max [HP]{mechanic} in damage after each turn during [strong sunlight]{mechanic}.
+95,Quick Feet,4,"Whenever this Pokémon has a [major status ailment]{mechanic}, it has 1.5× its [Speed]{mechanic}. This Pokémon is not affected by the usual Speed cut from [paralysis]{mechanic}.
+Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, the wild encounter rate is decreased.",Heightens [Speed]{mechanic} to 1.5× with a [major status ailment]{mechanic}.
+96,Normalize,4,"This Pokémon's moves all act as if they were [Normal]{type}-type.
+Moves that inflict [typeless damage]{mechanic} do so as usual. Moves of variable type, such as [Hidden Power]{move} and [Judgement]{move}, are affected. They otherwise work as usual, however; for example, [Weather Ball]{move} has doubled power and looks different during [weather]{mechanic}, but is always Normal.
+A [Will-O-Wisp]{move} turned Normal by this ability can affect [Ghost]{type}-type Pokémon, despite otherwise acting like a Normal move. (This is specific to Will-O-Wisp; no other moves have this quirk.)",Makes the Pokémon's moves act [Normal]{type}-type.
+97,Sniper,4,"This Pokémon inflicts triple damage with [critical hits]{mechanic}, rather than the usual double damage.",Strengthens the Pokémon's [critical hits]{mechanic} to inflict 3× damage rather than 2×.