-[Dream Eater]{move} is unaffected.",Damages opponents using leeching moves for as much as they would heal.
-65,9,"When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its [HP]{mechanic} remaining, its [Grass]{type}-type moves inflict 1.5× as much [regular damage]{mechanic}.",Strengthens [Grass]{type} moves to inflict 1.5× damage at 1/3 max [HP]{mechanic} or less.
-66,9,"When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its [HP]{mechanic} remaining, its [Fire]{type}-type moves inflict 1.5× as much [regular damage]{mechanic}.",Strengthens [Fire]{type} moves to inflict 1.5× damage at 1/3 max [HP]{mechanic} or less.
-67,9,"When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its [HP]{mechanic} remaining, its [Water]{type}-type moves inflict 1.5× as much [regular damage]{mechanic}.",Strengthens [Water]{type} moves to inflict 1.5× damage at 1/3 max [HP]{mechanic} or less.
-68,9,"When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its [HP]{mechanic} remaining, its [Bug]{type}-type moves inflict 1.5× as much [regular damage]{mechanic}.
+[Dream Eater]{move:dream-eater} is unaffected.",Damages opponents using leeching moves for as much as they would heal.
+65,9,"When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its [HP]{mechanic:hp} remaining, its [Grass]{type:grass}-type moves inflict 1.5× as much [regular damage]{mechanic:regular damage}.",Strengthens [Grass]{type:grass} moves to inflict 1.5× damage at 1/3 max [HP]{mechanic:hp} or less.
+66,9,"When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its [HP]{mechanic:hp} remaining, its [Fire]{type:fire}-type moves inflict 1.5× as much [regular damage]{mechanic:regular damage}.",Strengthens [Fire]{type:fire} moves to inflict 1.5× damage at 1/3 max [HP]{mechanic:hp} or less.
+67,9,"When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its [HP]{mechanic:hp} remaining, its [Water]{type:water}-type moves inflict 1.5× as much [regular damage]{mechanic:regular damage}.",Strengthens [Water]{type:water} moves to inflict 1.5× damage at 1/3 max [HP]{mechanic:hp} or less.
+68,9,"When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its [HP]{mechanic:hp} remaining, its [Bug]{type:bug}-type moves inflict 1.5× as much [regular damage]{mechanic:regular damage}.