-class Move(TableBase, OfficiallyNamed):
- u"""A Move: technique or attack a Pokémon can learn to use
- """
- __tablename__ = 'moves'
- __singlename__ = 'move'
- id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="A numeric ID"))
- identifier = Column(Unicode(24), nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="An identifier", format='identifier'))
- generation_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('generations.id'), nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="ID of the generation this move first appeared in"))
- type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('types.id'), nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="ID of the move's elemental type"))
- power = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="Base power of the move"))
- pp = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="Base PP (Power Points) of the move, nullable if not applicable (e.g. Struggle and Shadow moves)."))
- accuracy = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="Accuracy of the move; NULL means it never misses"))
- priority = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="The move's priority bracket"))
- target_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('move_targets.id'), nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="ID of the target (range) of the move"))
- damage_class_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('move_damage_classes.id'), nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="ID of the damage class (physical/special) of the move"))
- effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('move_effects.id'), nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="ID of the move's effect"))
- effect_chance = Column(Integer, nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="The chance for a secondary effect. What this is a chance of is specified by the move's effect."))
- contest_type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('contest_types.id'), nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="ID of the move's Contest type (e.g. cool or smart)"))
- contest_effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('contest_effects.id'), nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="ID of the move's Contest effect"))
- super_contest_effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('super_contest_effects.id'), nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="ID of the move's Super Contest effect"))
-class MoveChangelog(TableBase):
- """History of changes to moves across main game versions."""
- __tablename__ = 'move_changelog'
- __singlename__ = 'move_changelog'
- move_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('moves.id'), primary_key=True, nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="ID of the move that changed"))
- changed_in_version_group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('version_groups.id'), primary_key=True, nullable=False,
- info=dict(description="ID of the version group in which the move changed"))
- type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('types.id'), nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="Prior type of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
- power = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="Prior base power of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
- pp = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="Prior base PP of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
- accuracy = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="Prior accuracy of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
- effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('move_effects.id'), nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="Prior ID of the effect, or NULL if unchanged"))
- effect_chance = Column(Integer, nullable=True,
- info=dict(description="Prior effect chance, or NULL if unchanged"))