-157,herbivore,5,Raises Attack when hit by grass-type moves. (?),Raises Attack when hit by grass-type moves. (?)
-158,mischievous heart,5,"When this Pokémon selects a non-damaging move, it will act first that turn.",Always acts first when using a non-damaging move.
-159,sand power,5,Inflicts more damage during Sandstorm. (?),Inflicts more damage during Sandstorm. (?)
-160,iron thorns,5,Inflicts extra damage when using a contact move.,Inflicts extra damage when using a contact move.
+157,herbivore,5,"Whenever a [Grass]{type}-type move hits this Pokémon, damage is negated (if applicable) and its [Attack]{mechanic} rises one [stage]{mechanic:stat modifier}.",Raises Attack when hit by grass-type moves.
+158,mischievous heart,5,"This Pokémon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. Moves with priority 0 like [Taunt]{move} have the same priority as [Quick Attack]{move}, while [Trick Room]{move}'s priority is increased from -7 to -6.",Non-damaging moves have increased priority.
+159,sand power,5,"During a [sandstorm]{mechanic}, this Pokémon's [Rock]{type}-, [Ground]{type}-, and [Steel]{type}-type moves have 1.3× their base power, and it does not take sandstorm damage regardless of type.","Powers up Rock, Ground, and Steel moves during sandstorm."
+160,iron thorns,5,"Whenever a move makes contact with this Pokémon, the move's user takes 1/8 of its maximum [HP]{mechanic} in damage.",Damages attacking Pokémon for 1/8 their max [HP]{mechanic} on contact.