Finish documenting the tables
[zzz-pokedex.git] / pokedex / data / csv / pokemon_form_groups.csv
2010-09-23  ZhorkenImprove the description for Shaymin's forms a little.
2010-09-19  EeveeB&W: Some non-physical forms for new Pokémon.
2010-09-19  EeveeB&W: Added all new Pokémon! Forms now start at 10001.
2010-06-02  EeveeForm groups, rst => markdown veekun-promotions/2010060201
2010-05-26  ZhorkenRewrote Pokémon form group descriptions.
2010-03-10  EeveeFixed the hell out of all remaining form problems.
2010-03-09  EeveeFixed Cherrim/Castform/Pichu form names; renamed a...
2009-09-25  EeveeAdded Pichu form description so its page actually works.
2009-06-21  EeveeAdded remaining Pokémon form data. #5
2009-06-16  EeveeAdded Platinum forms. #5