Merge branch '247-item-rewrite'
[zzz-pokedex.git] / pokedex / data / csv / languages.csv
2011-04-02  EeveeMerge branch 'encukou'
2011-04-01  Petr ViktorinAdd the Czech language
2011-03-13  EeveeMerge branch 'encukou'
2011-03-13  Petr ViktorinMove English texts to language-specific tables
2011-03-13  Petr ViktorinAdd data to language table
2010-03-16  ZhorkenAdded language codes alongside the country codes.
2009-12-20  ZhorkenFixed "Official Romaaji" -> "Official Roomaji".
2009-12-20  ZhorkenFixed "Official Romaaji" -> "Official Roomaji".
2009-11-24  EeveeAdded ISO-3166 country codes to languages table and...
2009-02-23  EeveeMoved CSV sources into pokedex/.