Optipnged some version icons.
[zzz-pokedex.git] / pokedex / data /
2010-05-06  EeveeOptipnged some version icons.
2010-05-06  EeveeAdded R/G version icons. #212
2010-05-06  EeveeFixed small problems with D/P font.
2010-05-04  ZhorkenCorrected a couple of French Pokémon names.
2010-05-04  ZhorkenAdded ability flavour text. #62
2010-05-04  ZhorkenAdded ability effects. Rewrote short effects. #39
2010-05-04  ZhorkenRemoved "No Ability" from abilities.
2010-05-04  ZhorkenAdded abilities' generations to the database.
2010-05-03  EeveeRestored Item.appears_underground and added location...
2010-05-03  EeveeBroke existing item flags out into their own table.
2010-05-03  EeveeAdded item HG/SS flavor text and internal ids. #168?
2010-05-03  EeveeAdded some HG/SS item data. #168
2010-05-02  a_magical_meRipped Gen I Pokémon sprites. #245
2010-04-28  ZhorkenReripped Gen I–III Pokémon flavour text. #46
2010-04-28  ZhorkenReripped Gen I–III Pokémon flavour text.
2010-04-27  a_magical_meAdd experience tables.
2010-04-27  EeveeJammed in a bunch of nature stuff.
2010-04-27  EeveeTurned Move.contest_type into a foreign key.
2010-04-27  EeveeShuffled item categories.
2010-04-27  EeveeAdded bag pocket icons.
2010-04-27  EeveeItem tidying; fixed missing és, added ItemPocket.identi...
2010-04-26  EeveeAt last, imported item and berry data. #10
2010-04-24  EeveeOops; Rash had its stats backwards.
2010-04-24  EeveeFixed some location names. #167
2010-04-24  ZhorkenMerge branch 'master' of git@veekun.com:pokedex
2010-04-23  ZhorkenFixed references to "U-Turn" to "U-turn".
2010-04-21  a_magical_meFix location_area_encounter_rates
2010-04-21  ZhorkenAdded missing R/B internal IDs.
2010-04-20  ZhorkenFixed "Roar Of Time" to "Roar of Time", too.
2010-04-20  ZhorkenFixed Conversion 2 and U-turn's names.
2010-04-19  EeveeFixed description for one-Pokémon targeting, and effect...
2010-04-19  EeveeFixed some missing colons in ":mechanic:". #185
2010-04-17  EeveeMade Encore effect a bit more accurate.
2010-04-17  EeveeSunflora can be tutored Earth Power in HG/SS. #149
2010-04-17  EeveeOnce and for all, fixed Pt tutor moves. #126
2010-04-17  EeveeAdded canonical_pokedex, Pokedex.region, and some Pokéd...
2010-04-13  a_magical_meFix HGSS fishing encounter slot rarities.
2010-04-13  a_magical_meFix RBY grass/water encounter slot rarities.
2010-04-13  a_magical_meAdd slot index to encounter_slots
2010-04-13  ZhorkenFixed some misspelled German Pokémon names. #140
2010-03-29  EeveeRoar and Whirlwind cancel Wish.
2010-03-29  EeveeAdd 487-altered.png. Fixed form name.
2010-03-29  EeveeAdded natures table.
2010-03-29  EeveeHo-oh => Ho-Oh
2010-03-24  ZhorkenTweaked a couple of Pokédex descriptions.
2010-03-24  ZhorkenName the G/S/C Johto dex that instead of "New".
2010-03-21  EeveeAdded new HG/SS item sprites.
2010-03-16  ZhorkenAdded language codes alongside the country codes.
2010-03-16  ZhorkenAdded German, Spanish, and Italian move names.
2010-03-15  ZhorkenSky Shaymin holds a Lum Berry in Platinum.
2010-03-15  ZhorkenReplaced newlines and fancy quotation marks in DPPt...
2010-03-15  EeveeAdded Land Shaymin (492-land.png) sprites.
2010-03-15  EeveeFix Rough Skin, Roost, and formatting of Detect.
2010-03-15  EeveeFixed malformed reST in Recycle's move effect.
2010-03-15  ZhorkenAdded wild held items for HeartGold and SoulSilver.
2010-03-12  EeveeHG/SS Pokémon flavor text.
2010-03-11  EeveeAdded Rotom -normal sprites.
2010-03-10  EeveeFixed Hustle description.
2010-03-10  EeveeFixed the hell out of all remaining form problems.
2010-03-09  EeveeFixed Cherrim/Castform/Pichu form names; renamed a...
2010-03-09  EeveeFixed or clarified some eight move/ability effects.
2010-03-04  EeveeFilled in some missing Pokémon colors.
2010-03-03  EeveeFactored habitats into a separate table.
2010-03-03  EeveeFactored Pokémon colors out into their own table.
2010-02-22  ZhorkenAdded accents to French Pokémon names.
2010-02-22  ZhorkenReplaced ‘’“” with '" in Platinum Pokédex entries.
2010-02-17  ZhorkenMoved Gen-I internal Pokémon IDs to their own Pokédex.
2010-02-17  ZhorkenAdded Pokédexes to replace dex numbers' generations.
2010-02-16  ZhorkenLabel Togepi and Riolu as babies.
2010-02-09  a_magical_meAdd Gen III wild held items.
2010-02-08  EeveeFixed Bug Bite's effect.
2010-02-04  EeveeUnknown Dungeon => Cerulean Cave
2010-02-04  EeveeFilled in missing Vermilion port encounters.
2010-02-04  EeveeAdded Yellow fishing encounters.
2010-02-04  EeveeWhoops; removed some R/B fishing from places with no...
2010-02-04  EeveeAdded Red/Blue fishing encounters.
2010-02-04  EeveeAdded Red/Blue/Yellow grass and surfing encounters.
2010-02-04  EeveeFilled in missing Kanto locations/areas.
2010-02-03  Eevee"PokéRadar" conditions values were missing their accents.
2010-02-02  EeveeUpdated Good/Super Rod rarities to be.. correct.
2010-02-02  EeveeAdded terrain icons for Rock Smash and unknown.
2010-01-31  ZhorkenRemoved leading zeroes from cries' filenames.
2010-01-31  ZhorkenMerge branch 'master' of git://veekun.com/pokedex
2010-01-28  EeveeRemoved some svn cruft.
2010-01-28  EeveeMade regions first-class objects.
2010-01-28  EeveeUpdated some location/area names; collapsed Turnback...
2010-01-28  EeveeRe-re-ripped HG/SS encounters.
2010-01-28  EeveeAdded some encounter condition icons.
2010-01-28  EeveeRedumped encounters for all five gen4 games.
2009-12-20  ZhorkenAdded types' generations and pre-gen-IV damage classes.
2009-12-20  ZhorkenAdded ???'s type efficacies to the database.
2009-12-20  ZhorkenFixed "Official Romaaji" -> "Official Roomaji".
2009-12-20  ZhorkenAdded types' generations and pre-gen-IV damage classes.
2009-12-20  ZhorkenAdded ???'s type efficacies to the database.
2009-12-20  ZhorkenFixed "Official Romaaji" -> "Official Roomaji".
2009-12-09  EeveeRefactored encounters schema so HG/SS can work.
2009-12-02  EeveeAdded Emerald animations. #73
2009-11-29  EeveeReplaced cropped Pokémon sprites with HG/SS ones.
2009-11-24  EeveeAdded ISO-3166 country codes to languages table and...