Post bodies are overlapping with the author info.
[zzz-spline-forum.git] / migration /
2010-09-07  EeveeTreat posts as markdown. #262
2010-08-15  EeveeAdded forum descriptions. #327
2010-08-08  EeveeAdded soapbox and archive forum access levels. #313 veekun-promotions/2010080801 veekun-promotions/2010080802
2010-06-03  EeveeFix migration to work with sqlalchemy-migrate trunk... veekun-promotions/2010060502
2010-05-18  EeveeFlesh out core forum schema.
2010-05-11  EeveeExtremely basic forum tables and browsing.
2010-05-05  EeveeWHOOPS fixed migrate.cfg typo veekun-promotions/2010050901
2010-05-04  EeveeInitial skeleton commit.